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From: Connie E.
Date: Sunday, April 12, 2009, 8:44 AM
Subject: Responding to Connie's HUB Invitation!
Reply to: 267619
ID: 267643

Hello Dear Ones!

What a Beautiful Easter Day this is! The Energy of New Beginnings!

Well...I have set up some Information Calls every day next week. I had to pick times that fit in around my work schedule (that I will be retiring from soon!). You will find the dates and times here: http://www.talkshoe.com/tc/28750

They are also listed on the "contact" tab of this website: www.WomensEmpowerment.net (The video of HUB in Hawaii is quite beautiful!)

Feel free to invite others to these calls!

I will continue to do them at least 4 times a week for the next couple of weeks. For future calls, I have the vision of blending information on Evolutionary Women with WE of HUB. We can also use this as a platform to promote the Conscious Choices book. I will also include the book in our WEofHUB website. So many more ideas, thoughts and visions to share with you...but will save it for the call versus in this email!

Be sure to tune in to HUB's GLOBAL SHIFT teleconference series call this Saturday! Barbara will be speaking along with Charlie Gay and Janet Attwood. And I HIGHLY encourage you to listen to the archived recording of last Saturday's call with Rev. Michael and Jack Canfield! There is something stirring here! http://www.ihaveimpact.hubhub.org/outline.php Or: http://sites.google.com/site/globalshiftseries/

The World is soooo Ripe and Ready to HEAR and EXPERIENCE what Barbara and Evolutionary Women has been holding for so long! And why not merge this Rising and Converging with a Stream of Abundance?!

(Instead of relying solely on the trading of money amongst parties of 2, why not circulate resources amongst a Collective?! We are moving beyond "Fields" (Well, there is the Resonant Field, of course!) and "Titles" and into the MeshWorking and Circulation amongst a Collective! This is how I view HUB! It is not about a 'product' or personal care item. It is about US! HUB is NOT a static company that is 'peddling a product'. It is a very Dynamic and Divinely Inspired Organization that will only be as Powerful and Influential as we Co-create it to be! And Finally...Consciousness meets Economics! And WE have the reigns!

OK......I'll stop there!......I love you all much! Do not hesitate to contact me personally if that works better for you!

Connie Eberhart connie@WeAreOneHUB.com (310) 774-6422

------ On 4/9/09, Amanda Koh wrote ------

I would like to hear more. I heard about HUB about a year ago I think, and did a little bit of research on my own online. But I haven't heard about it yet from someone who's involved....

I'd certainly like to if we can set up a time. :)



------ On 4/8/09, Pamela Mosley wrote ------

Greetings, Sisters!


I have heard about HUB before and remember being inspired by your clear and beautiful vision at our EW Gathering this last December. The links you sent (especially the videos!) were just great. I love the idea of HUBBING together as Evolutionary Women and I'm ready to go with the loud YES in my Being to this heartfelt invitation!

Your offer of a conference call to explain this further sounds so good. Are there others of us who want to hear more?

Gratitude ~~~ PamElla

Pamela Mosley

------ On 4/3/09, Connie Eberhart wrote ------

Hello Dear Ladies!

It seems as if I have not been dialoguing and participating in this group these days. However, know that I am VERY MUCH WITH YOU as we each move through these ExraOrdinary times along our individual Paths and Journeys! (Really, there is only ONE Path and ONE Journey! The Individual IS the Social!)

The timing of the writing of the Conscious Choices chapters came at a time in which I became very much involved in Humanity Unites Brilliance, or HUB. While I very much wanted to be a part of the First Volume, I also knew that my contribution was going to look a little bit different. I still very much feel that there will be a convergence here.

For me, I see HUB as a vehicle which merges the Field of Conscious Evolution with a New Paradigm in Economics. How else are we going to Consciously Evolve our Economy! It has been my personal feeling that our society has a tendency to separate Consciousness with Economics.

In addition, it is time to merge Economics with THE FEMININE PRINCIPLE! I also feel that HUB is an ideal vehicle for this to happen!

Many of us have been Gathering in Circles and Co-creating for years (even thousands!). Why not infuse a Collective Economy in which WE are all (The Feminine Principle is) nourished and sustained? As Barbara spoke about (to paraphrase), "Women's vocations often have No Field, No Title, and No Pay!" This cannot continue! We must EACH BE INVOLVED IN CO-CREATING A NEW ECONOMY!

I really do feel that HUB has the capacity to provide us with this opportunity.

When HUB launched, I did purchase a 'position' for Evolutionary Women. I see it as a vehicle to not only provide sustained funding for the Organization as a whole, but for each of us. In our new Member Emporium, we will also be able to promote the Conscious Choices book, as well as the products and services of each individual woman who chooses to participate.

However, unless there are a number of women who choose to sustain this position, I will have to let it go.

If you are interested in learning more about what this might look like, I would love to set up a conference call to answer any questions.

You may learn more at: http://www.WomensEmpowerment.net


But back to the original intention of this email message!

Barbara will be featured in a teleconference series that is hosted by HUB. I invite you to learn more on the following link: http://sites.google.com/site/globalshiftseries/

Saturdays in April, join Transformational Leaders in a life changing teleconference series helping us emerge from Chaos to Clarity through Vision in Action. Presented by Humanity Unites Brilliance and hosted by Charlie Gay. Featuring Marcia Martin, Jack Canfield, Dr. Michael Beckwith, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Janet Bray Attwood, Mark Victor Hansen and Cynthia Kersey.

Again, see link for details: http://sites.google.com/site/globalshiftseries/

Every time Barbara has addressed the HUB Community, either simulcast live at an event, appearing before live audiences (including at our Launch!), or via teleconference - The members simply and absolutely Thirst for More!

I truly feel that HUB could be a vehicle that could bring Barbara's teachings to a very wide and far-reaching audience! And to BRING HER TEACHINGS INTO ACTION!

Let us not only Gather the Women, but FINANCIALLY EMPOWER THEM! (Us!)

Let us contribute to, and encourage, the Flow and Circulation of Abundance throughout What We Naturally Do, How We Naturally Operate, How We Co-create, and How We Contribute! (Why not have resources flow through a Collective versus relying on individual transactions?!

Let us Co-create an Evolutionary Economic System like no other!




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