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From: Bonnie K.
Date: Friday, June 5, 2009, 10:23 AM
Subject: A variety of things
Reply to: 268313
ID: 268314

WOW Andrea. I just have to comment on your posting and bow to the enormous energy it carries. You are you a quintessential, individual, fabulous Ev woman coming into greater form AND you are all of us: The collective EvWoman coming into form as One. We are really beginning to reve up and reveal ourSelves as balanced, comprehensive, multidimensional, bold, gentle, open, ever-evolving embodiments of Enlightened Consciousness revealing OurSelves in human form. Gosh the list of your unfolding is impressive and touching. I am proud to be a member of this group. Blessings, Bonnie

--- On Fri, Jun 5, 2009, in msg268313, Andrea Hylen wrote ---

Hello everyone!

It has been awhile since I have posted in the larger group. I am Andrea Hylen and a business partner with Lucky and Bonnie in Evolutionary Women.

For the past year and a half, I have been submerged, evolving and transforming as the Midwife of Conscious Choices: An Evolutionary Woman's Guide to Life. I feel blessed and honored to have been the woman in the center of this. Each woman's story has transformed me at a deep core place.

I am currently in the process of selling my house so that I can travel around the country with my daughter. We are going to Jonas Brothers concerts and promoting the Conscious Choices book. The first few concerts are Dallas-June 20, Tulsa-June 22 and Denver-June 24. As more information comes through me, I will share all of the locations. I know that we will be in Minneapolis, NYC, LA, and Phoenix in July/August and the rest is evolving.

If you are interested in sponsoring a gathering at a coffee shop, bookstore or your home for me to come and present some information about conscious evolution, how the book was written and do a book signing, contact me AHylen@mac.com. I would love to meet you on the road!

One of the things I have seen in the past few years is the value of support in my life. I have been blessed with family and friends who love and support me. But, I am talking about something else. I am talking about the kind of support for your soul to grow and leap. The kind of support that bodyworkers, writers, artists, coaches, retreats, astrologers and spiritual media can provide. The kind of support that is vital to our transition during this time.

I want to share a few resources that have been my lifeline in the past six months:

1. Judith Onley www.dancewithspirit.com I met Judith at the last Evolutionary Women retreat. Judith is an intuitive. I encourage you to go check out her website. It was Judith who guided me to more "Asking" in my life and who cleared the blocks that were limiting me. I continue to reach out to her and experience her magic wand! She has a soft gentle voice and a WOW! factor when she brings in the energy. I started to work with her in Jan 2009. Since then:

I asked 900 people on Facebook to support me by going to The Ellen Show website and ask Ellen to have me come dance on the show. (I haven't been on Ellen yet) http://blip.tv/file/1456548 There is a long story to this. The short version. 15 Jonas Brothers concerts, 10,000 miles last summer with my youngest daughter and my passion for dancing in groups!

I "asked" the Conscious Choices Authors to gather resources and send me to LA for the Freedom Formula Experience with Christine Kloser. (I had an awakening there)

Those two events allowed for Spirit to flow through me and guide me to sell my house and live home-free for 6-12 months beginning in two weeks.

And this was just a piece of it... Judith has helped me to step into more of being who I am.

2. www.everythingisenergy.com The radio show is free. The movie is coming. And I have been in a 40 days and 40 nights program that has blown my socks off in big and subtle ways. There is a Prosperity Tribe beginning sometime in the next few weeks. I am an affiliate. So, if you check out the free things on their site and decide you want more, click on my link. Signing up for the tribe is not ready yet. This link will take you to radio show right now. http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/?af=969261

3. A Book. I love books. I read inspiring books all the time. And every once in awhile, a book comes along that is the pivotal key for me. "The Big Leap," by Gay Hendricks. My life flashed before me and I could see where I have an Upper Limit that limits me from my Genius. The book is available in local bookstores, on Amazon and at the library.

And the last thing is facebook. I have created a series of step by step audios for learning facebook. I designed them for you to sit in front of your computer and create your account, add friends and navigate the system. If interested in learning more go to www.evolutionarywomen.org. Click on Facebook classes by an Evolutionary Woman. There is a FREE audio at the bottom of the page called What is Facebook and What can it do for me? There is a link on that page to sign up for audios. The first two beginner audios are ready to go and the rest will be recorded in the next few weeks. Sign up now and they will be delivered by e-mail as they are ready.

In appreciation,



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