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From: Deborah K.
Date: Saturday, June 20, 2009, 11:45 AM
Subject: Women's Circles with the traveling Andrea!
Reply to: 268452
ID: 268453

CELEBRATING WITH YOU----!!! (Such beauti-FULL symbology for NOW--your "marriage" Bonnie--:) How wonder-FULL so many are able to BE there (AND in other locations!) in the physical--at this time---:) YAAAAAAY!!!! BE IN-JOY--and ENJOY!!!


Sending Love & Hugs to ALL of You!!!


--- On Sat, Jun 20, 2009, in msg268452, Bonnie Kelley wrote ---

Thanks Pam -(ella) for making Andrea's "take the show on the road" pilgrimmage, adventure, journey come alive in our homes! What beautiful eyes you have my dear... to witness all these evolutionary transportable tools in Andrea and speak about them in a way that helps us imbibe how it all applies to all of us. I'm continuously amazed at the immediacy of how this intentional realm is now becoming our manifest destiny!! I expect to see Andrea here in Santa Barbara .... she is scheduled to be here for my wedding!!! Lucky is here now. Jeanie is here now... a whole bunch of us are assembling for this Collective EvWoman marriage celebration!! XOBonnie (the eternal bride!)

--- On Fri, Jun 19, 2009, in msg268448, Pamela Mosley wrote ---

Hi Wonderful Evolving Goddess Women,

Just wanted to report in that 14 women in central Arkansas enjoyed a fun and engaging co-creative evening of potluck and circle this week as we played host to the traveling Andrea!

Andrea Hylen and teenage daughter Hannah arrived here in Conway on Wednesday, shared briefly and beautifully about their journey, and invited heart sharings on the theme of "Creativity, Claiming our Gifts and Transformation." It ended up being a creative, gifting, transformational time for everyone present.

Andrea has a great gift for communicating the grit and gold of the personal experience of evolution. Women can relate to her. Calling for circle around the opportunity for welcoming a sojourning friend, author and book midwife was a wonderful way to bring an assortment of interested women together. I recommend it! She's a deep and thoughtful listener and as women shared what was up for them, she helped place their experiences in the larger context of universal emergence. I watched women open to a more expanded sense of themselves and feel a part of something dynamic, important, and BIG. Women are ready for this! Especially women who are just now responding - get them to Andrea! It's fun to do it as a party!

Andrea and Hannah are now in Dallas and will be criss-crossing the country. You can follow them on facebook! (And if you're not doing the facebook thing, Andrea can teach you how. What a deal.)

A great way to support Evolutionary Women is to invite Andrea into your home or community, call together a circle of sisters or help publicize a public presentation when she's headed to your area, share media contacts and lodging opportunities with her all along the way... and to intentionally hold this traveling duo (our EW reps on tour!) in the pulse of our golden heart connection.

Awesome Summer Solstice Blessings To Us All ~~

With love, Pamela



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