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From: Karen T.
Date: Wednesday, October 14, 2009, 1:34 PM
Subject: Cakes for the Queen of Heaven Classes Opens Registration - Goddess Temple in Irvine, CA
ID: 268987

Have you wanted to be able to understand and explain your interest in Goddess Spirituality and talk about it confidently? Do you want to take a short-cut to reading all those books to get up to speed? Then consider giving yourself this series as a holiday gift -- karen tate

at The GODDESS TEMPLE of Orange County

In Every Woman: The Grace of the Goddess, The Prayer of the Priestess, the Power of the Queen

“CAKES for the QUEEN of HEAVEN… “

with Rev. KAREN TATE

The class you’ve been asking for!

“It changed my life!”

Saturday, January 9 (first class; see dates below for remainder of series)

Cakes%20Cover[1]TEMPLE SPONSORED EDUCATION: “CAKES for the QUEEN of HEAVEN: a Seminar Series in Feminist Thealogy” with Rev. KAREN TATE for The GODDESS TEMPLE of Orange County

A two-series religious educational curriculum in feminist thealogy for women and teenage girls created by Unitarian Universalist Women and Religion


Eleven sessions in two series January thru July, 2010 (Specific dates below)

TIME: 1PM to 4PM COST: $25/class; Send non-refundable pre-registration deposit of $75

payable to Karen Tate at 2554 Lincoln Boulevard, Box 678, Venice, CA 90291. Balance paid at each class.

All proceeds from classes benefit The Goddess Temple of Orange County.

THANK YOU, Rev. KAREN, for this lovely gift to your Temple!

Cakes for the Queen of Heaven was created for those who are interested in exploring women's religious history. It provides a foundation for Goddess Spirituality and explanation of “herstory” which has been swept under the rug by patriarchy. It focuses on significant religious issues of feminism such as domination and subordination, suppression of the female presence in Judaism and Christianity, and access to power; describing the ways in which these issues have affected our culture. Attitudes derived from religious philosophy and beliefs have had a profound effect on interpersonal relationships among women and men and on family patterns, and an equally profound effect on the power structures of all the institutions in our society. This program provides a vehicle by which women may examine the historical roots of these phenomena and move toward effecting change in our society where that is judged to be desirable and necessary. Sessions are participatory, using ceremony and ritual, discussion, meditations and power point presentations. The curriculum allows three levels of exploration: individual growth and relationships, implications for our society and its institutions and our relationship to the natural world or cosmos. When polled, the most common response from participants who took the curriculum: "It changed my life!" If you are serious about understanding thealogy, women's culture and history, feminism, and Goddess Spirituality, what denying a feminine face of the Divine has cost humanity, there is no better shortcut than this famous and beloved curriculum comprised by the best minds and foremothers of our time.

Detailed curriculum objectives available from Rev. Karen Tate upon request at karentate108@ca.rr.com.

SERIES ONE -- “In Ancient Times” Remembering the ancient world religious myths and symbols where female images and experiences were central and primary to life; exploring the psychological and social importance to women today of reclaiming our female religious heritage

Jan 9: Session 1 “The Sacred Female” —honor female ancestors; individual attitudes toward the female body/female sexuality; veneration of the female in ancient times Jan 23: Session 2 “In the Name of the Mother and the Daughter”— the ancient Demeter-Persephone myth; viewing mother/daughter relationships in light of this myth; Goddess lore; compare ancient view of the celebration of women’s life stages with that of contemporary society Feb 13: Session 3 “Womanpower”—myths supporting social structures; world's first recorded woman poet; woman’s power today

Feb 27: Session 4 “The First Turning - The Shift from Goddess to God” — loss of female power; ways we lose/give away power personally Mar 13: Session 5 “Reclaiming Women's Heritage of Power”—the peace of ancient matristic civilizations; ending the violence in our personal and global lives

One Month’s Break … Restore - Rethink - Reclaim

Series TWO -- “On The Threshold” Discovering female imagery/presence ignored in Judaism and Christianity; looking at the painful suppression of female experience in Western religious tradition; relating our personal discoveries/experience to our individual identities; exploring new world view/thealogy for the future

May 8: Session 1 “The Hebrew Goddess”— how language/symbols have erased female presence; female imagery in biblical tradition; what new language and imagery can mean to us in our lives today May 22: Session 2 “Sarah, the Priestess”—ways to give voices to the women of the biblical tradition; giving voice to participants’ own experience as the basis for a new thealogy Jun 12: Session 3 “The Apostle Mary” — Mary Magdalene as an apostle; views of early varieties of Christianity respectful and supportive of women’s religious power; reexamining our own religious journeys Jun 26: Session 4 “The Virgin Mary”— the nature of the image that has been created of Mary and the effects of that image on women today; images we create for ourselves as women Jul 10: Session 5 “Witchcraft”— “The Burning Times,” the women’s holocaust; world-wide brutalization of women that followed the establishment of patriarchal religions; especially the European witch craze; contemporary religious movements that focus on women and their experience of the sacred; similarities between the world view of witchcraft and that of ourselves Jul 24: Session 6 “Intentions”—the new world-view that has emerged in recent decades; our hopes are for ourselves for the institutions of our society; share our dreams of the future for ourselves and for society; and…Temple Graduation Party Celebrating the Completion of this Stage of Sacred Education

About your Instructor/Priestess: Rev. Karen Tate, MsGS, Prs. of Isis, FOI Adepta www.karentate.com For over two decades, Karen's work has been fueled by her intense interest and passion for travel, comparative religions, ancient cultures, and Goddess Spirituality and the resurging interest in the rise of the Feminine Consciousness. An independent scholar, speaker, radio show host, published author, and sacred tour organizer, Karen's body of work blends her experiences of women-centered multiculturalism evident in archaeology, anthropology and mythology with her unique academic and literary talents and travel experience throughout the world. Her first book, Sacred Places of Goddess: 108 Destinations has garnered prestigious endorsements, such as from Stephen Gerringer of the Joseph Campbell Foundation. Her second book, Walking an Ancient Path, Rebirthing Goddess on Planet Earth, was a finalist in the USA National Best Books of 2008 Awards in the spirituality category. Tate's work has been highlighted in the Los Angeles Times, Seattle Times and other major newspapers. She is interviewed regularly in print, on television and on national public radio and hosts her own radio shows, Voices of the Sacred Feminine and Earth's Sacred Places. Her work has segued into writing, producing and consulting on projects which can bring the ideals and awareness of the Sacred Feminine into the mainstream world through television and film. Karen spends much of her time giving interviews, teaching, and lecturing at private and public educational and spiritual institutions, temples and churches. She is a speaker with the Center for Partnership Studies, founded by Riane Eisler and Karen has just become an associate with the Joseph Campbell Foundation. An ordained minister, independent scholar of the Sacred Feminine, and graduate of The Women's Thealogical Institute, specializing in Goddess and Women's Spirituality, Karen's particular emphasis is on the roles of women and the study of comparative religions and ancient cultures in a modern or reconstructed context. It is no surprise then that she is the founder of the educational, art, and cultural organization, The Isis Ancient Cultures Society. Tate's insatiable curiosity, scholastic achievements and special interests help define her focus of building bridges between cultural and spiritual communities and promoting ideals of partnership, inclusivity, compassion and continuing education. An Adepta within the International Fellowship of Isis, Karen was ordained by one of the founders, Lady Olivia Robertson, at Clonegal Castle in Ireland. More than a decade ago, the author began the Iseum of Isis Navigatum, a hearth of the Goddess within the FOI, which continues to fulfill her calling to help mid-wife the rebirth of the Divine Feminine in contemporary society. Karen and her husband, Roy, her life partner for more than twenty years, are the creators, artists, and caretakers of the Isis Temple of Thanksgiving and Sekhmet’s Mountain Grotto

INFORMATION: For inquiries or questions contact: karentate108@ca.rr.com

at The GODDESS TEMPLE of Orange County

17905 Sky Park Circle

Suite A

Irvine, CA 92614




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