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From: Bonnie K.
Date: Wednesday, November 11, 2009, 11:23 AM
Subject: Correction! The teleseries Begins WEDNESDAY (TODAY!)
Reply to: 269228
ID: 269229

Today is Wednesday. Barbara's teleseries begins today. 

Of course all her teachings are timeless! As are we....


--- On Wed, Nov 11, 2009, in msg269228, Bonnie Kelley wrote ---

Hello Dear Evolutionary Women! Everyone of you reading this email has contributed her genius to the rich field of the emerging new paradigm WOMAN who is gaining respect and notority these days (all over the planet). As Lucky says, "you heard the bird call!" And then you promptly responded by jumping on board. Taking this course with Barbara will be exciting and edgy.  And YES I INVITE YOU ALL TO JOIN US after next week's call so that we can make ourselves visible to each other. Let's invite Grace and Guidance to show us how we can build on the momentum.


Huge hugs and Love...Bonnie Kelley      



--- On Tue, Nov 10, 2009, in msg269222, Jeanie DeRousseau wrote ---

Dear Lucky,

Thank you so much for this reminder.  I am VERY excited by the prospect of renewing my connection to Barbara's message AND then having an Evolutionary Woman call next week.  I can just feel how the ideas will prime the pump, and our conversation together will bring us all forward in our own collective experience of co-creation on the call!!!

Now is certainly the time for all Evolutionary Women to come together for the sake of us all!!!  Halleluiah!

Love to all, Jeanie


--- On Tue, Nov 10, 2009, in msg269221, Lucky Sweeny wrote ---

I am so excited about this series. It's going to be great. I have heard Barbara speak, probably, up there with the record holders in number of times. Recently, I watched for the umpteenth time, Barbara's 15 min video on the Feminine Co-Creator, the one we show at eW retreats. In the middle I started to tear up at Barbara's description of the Evolutionary Woman and her role in our future.  Barbara sees our Future. She is able to point the way and give me direction to make me a better co-creative leader

You can never hear this too much, I promise.  We are looking at an amazing time before us. We've said it for a while, but now it's obvious; We are hospicing the old and birthing the new. And I know every Woman in the reach of eW is a leader in this process, whether at home, in your community or in the White house. You have heard  what Barbara calls the "bird call" to participate in the transformation,  giving  the gift of your unique genius to the emerging New Humanity.

I hope you can be on the calls. Next Weds.  11/18, after Barbara's call, Evolutionary Women will sponsor a free call  in for any interested women, to continue the conversation started on the call and to connect with each other. I'll send the info when we are closer.

In Evolutionary Sisterhood  with Lots of Love, Lucky


Becoming an Evolutionary Leader


Wednesdays, 5:00pm - 6:30pm PST

(video intro: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i86o7WUvIbY)

NOV. 11 - Setting the Context for Collapse or Co-Creation

The Whole Story: You are invited to help build the Evolutionary Communion of Pioneering Souls - to become part of the worldwide uprising of people from every background and field sensitive to what is emergent, longing to realize our potential, seeking resonance and co-creation to navigate through this time of radical change. In this communion, we learn that our problems can become evolutionary drivers as we join with another to fulfill our vocations of destiny together.

NOV. 18 - The Emergence of the Pioneering Soul

Subjects Include:

  • Evolutionary Women: The rise of the feminine co- creator. Who are we now?
  • The Advent of Regenopause: 50 to 80 and beyond. No more eggs? We are the egg!
  • Evolutionary Men: The frontier of masculine emergence. What is it?
  • Evolutionary Sexuality: From reproduction to regeneration?
  • The Plight of the Lonely Sperm: An exploration into the fulfillment of sexuality as we shift, as a species, from maximum procreation to co-creation

DEC 2 - Evolutionary Codes to Link Your Soul's Destiny With the Emerging Social Order

How to identify your essential creativity and link your essence with others in the growing community world changing pioneers toward a new and sustainable world. A vital new capacity for co-creators of a world that does not yet fully exist, where our vocations often have no school, no label and no pay! A vital skill for evolutionary leaders.

DEC 9 - The Joy of SupraSex

As we have fewer children and live longer lives, the sexual drive is expanding into the creative drive. Self-reproduction is enlarging into self-expression, self-evolution. How do we recognize and follow the compass of joy to guide us to what we want to give, to self-actualize; how do we respond to vocational arousal; learning to join not our genes but our genius to give birth to the greater self and our work in the world. Imagining a co-creative world fostering social synergy, the "Peace Room Come Alive" a new social function emerging from Internet and social networking that transcends dying social systems through joining to co-create.

DEC 16 - Celebrating the Planetary Birth Experience

Earth has a "due date." A phase change when the Great Shift becomes the Great Convergence. There is a mass resonance, an opening of the heart, an awakening from within and a synchronization of social innovations leading to a "non-linear, exponential interaction of what is working. Imagining and intending to participate in the actual emergence of a world equal to our spiritual, social and scientific potential, born into a universe of trillions of galaxies, opening our cosmic eyes together, smiling our first planetary smile.

: Members of this course will also have the option of participating in a private online community that will allow further connection with course members with additional support materials. (http://evolve-org.ning.com)






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