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From: Lucky S.
Date: Thursday, November 12, 2009, 2:43 PM
Subject: 2 Fr*ee Barbara Marx Hubbard Tele/Web events
ID: 269238

Hi All.

It's not too late to sign up for Barbara's teleseries, registration is available through Friday. The first call was great and the technology of the Maestro system allows us to break into small groups for sharing during the call. Here's the info for that. There is a fee for this series, very reasonable, and all the calls are recorded, should you need to miss one.

Weds. nights 5:00-6:30 PT/ 8-9:30 ET

To sign up: http://www.LivingCoCreation.com

You may listen to her introductory call at http://www.LivingCoCreation.com. Nov. 11 - Setting the Context for Collapse or Co-Creation Nov. 18 - The Emergence of The Pioneering Soul Dec. 2 - Evolutionary Codes to Link Your Soul's Destiny With The Emerging Social Order Dec. 9 - The Joy of SupraSex Dec. 16 - Celebrating The Planetary Birth Experience Please join us!

The calls below are Fr*ee and I hope will whet your appetite for the deeper exploration of BMH series.

Below are the links to these two conversations with Barbara. Particularly note the Women on the Edge of Evolution series, as if you sign up there you'll get access to recordings of conferences with Jean Houston, Lynne McTaggert and others. Very cool.

Tonight! –

Thursday, Nov. 12th! 5:30 Pacific Time

The Path of the Co-Creator: Awakening the Soul of Evolution with BMH

Hosted by Craig Hamilton, as a part of the series The Great Integral Awakening.

To learn more and register, go to http://greatintegralawakening.com/barbaramarxhubbard.html


Saturday, Nov. 14th!

9:30 a.m. Pacific; 10:30 a.m. Mountain; 11:30 a.m. Central; 12:30 p.m. Eastern

The Feminine Co-Creator: The Evolutionary Woman as the Next Step for our Species with BMH

Hosted by Claire Zammit and Katherine Woodward Thomas as a part of the teleseries Women On The Edge of Evolution.

To learn more and register, go to http://WomenOnTheEdgeOfEvolution.com

Remember Evolutionary Women is hosting an open conversation for all women, on

Weds. Eve. November 18 at 6:30 PT, 9:30 ET. We'll send the number next week.

Love to have you come and share about the calls, and if you can't make any of the calls, come anyway, because you are an Evolutionary Women and will always having something to contribute.

To our journey on the Ascending Spiral of Evolution.

I love you. Lucky

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