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From: Lynda T.
Date: Thursday, April 15, 2010, 2:58 PM
Subject: Next Intro to Vessels of Peace Path Call - April 19th - Working with Feminine Energy
ID: 269948

Dear Evolutionary Women,

The Vessels of Peace call series, An Introduction to the Vessels of Peace Path, continues this coming Monday, April 19th, at 5:30 pm PST/8:30 pm EST. The topic is:

Vessels of Peace Practices: The 11 Intentions and Working with Feminine Energy.

The 11 Intentions practice honors and invokes various aspects of the Sacred Feminine in order to bring forth a more personal awareness and experience of that sacred energy within us. During this call, we will share more about the practice and how it can support and enhance a woman’s spiritual journey, as well as inspire a deep desire to serve in partnership with the Feminine, for the benefit of self, others, Life. We also will share about other pathways/practices for expanding individual and collective feminine spiritual consciousness. All interested women are invited to join us, and no reservation is necessary.

To receive the phone number and access code for the call, please send an email with your request to info@vesselsofpeace.com. (If you've been on a previous call, it's the same number and code you used then.)

Blessings of peace to you!

Lynda Terry,  Facilitator

Introduction to the Vessels of Peace Path Series


Introduction to the Vessels of Peace Path Teleconference Dates

March 1: Overview of the Vessels of Peace Path: History, Vision, Offerings, Opportunities

March 15: Vessels of Peace Practices I: Meditation and Stillness

March 29: Vessels of Peace Practices II: Holding Sacred Space and Deep Listening

April 19: Vessels of Peace Practices III: The 11 Intentions and Working with Feminine Energy

May 3: Vessels of Peace Practices IV: Healing and Blessing Practices for Self, Others, Earth

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