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From: Andrea H.
Date: Tuesday, September 14, 2010, 9:32 PM
Subject: A Call to Conscious Evolution and a Heart to Lead
ID: 270806

Hello Dear Sisters,

I have had several things to share with you over the last few weeks and this is the topic that is emerging to share first. (more about other things soon to fill you in on a few details since my computer crashed at the beginning of May.)

On Aug 31, I attended an event at UCLA that was viewed around the world. As I sat in the balcony of this event, "A Call to Conscious Evolution," I witnessed evolutionary leaders coming together to put a collective call into the world. I had heard their words before many times. But, I had never heard them all together in that space with another wave of people who are waking up. I knew that the message deepened in my soul and I was witnessing more caterpillars emerging as butterflies.

Last night I watched A Heart to Lead, a film directed by Bonnie Kelley, co-creator of Evolutionary Women and filmed and co-produced by Cheryl Gould, an Evolutionary Woman. There were many people involved with this project and I globally acknowledge them, too. I want to acknowledge that the connection between Bonnie and Cheryl was activated at an Evolutionary Women retreat in Dec 2005.

Pamela Mosley wrote a beautiful, powerful review of the film a few days ago. It is in the bulletin board for reading, if you missed it. My experience of the film was similar to the night I was at UCLA. I felt like I was witnessing the conversations I have heard before. And now, the voices are gathered in a film where we can share them around the world with people who are ready to wake up. Watching it deepened my connection to the words and the energy. There are several bonus pieces on the DVD that anchored the message deep into my soul. A short piece with interviews with men who had viewed the film and felt the power of the women. They were experiencing an awakening. There is also a bonus track with Bonnie and Cheryl speaking about the process of the film. Simple and powerful.

I encourage you to see if it resonates with you to purchase the film: www.imaginethegood.com. Add it to your library of resources to share with women and men. The purchase supports a calling from a group of women to share their call to lead with the heart. We are here to hold this space for more to emerge from all of us.

I will share a few things that have emerged in the last few weeks, soon...

Let us all take a collective breath together and hold a space for this field to expand.

In gratitude,



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