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From: Andrea H.
Date: Tuesday, October 5, 2010, 7:57 AM
Subject: What is Preventing You From Stepping into Your Brilliance
ID: 270880

Good morning Dear Sisters,

I have had thoughts bubbling up to share with you. This year has been a year of listening and waiting for inspired action. Two things crossed my path last week that anchored the feelings and situations I have been witnessing.

As women step into their brilliance, it stirs something within each of us to feel, heal, release and it encourages us to step into our own brilliance. I was listening to an audio of one of Marianne Williamson's speeches the other day. She talked about how she was in a profession where the more knowledge and wisdom she had gained over a 20 year period, the more she attracts people who criticize her for being brilliant. "Who does she think she is...She is misquoting A Course in Miracles...I don't like her hair...she is a bitch..." and a myriad of other ways to put her down and tell her to get back in the box. She reflected that it is the opposite for men, her colleagues and that most of the criticisms come from other women. She talked about how this is something for women to heal. Step into your brilliance and surround yourself with women who can cheer you on. AND for each of us to find ways to support women. We have mastered the art of supporting each other in crisis. Now, let's learn to support each other in our brilliance!

The other person who crossed my path is Debbie Phillips. She is the founder of Women on Fire. I met Debbie at the Freedom Formula Experience in Los Angeles in Jan 2009. We had several conversations and then shared some personal stories at lunch one day. We skipped the next session and had a heart centered conversation. Since that meeting I endorsed her book Women on Fire with stories from 20 women, attended one of her Women on Fire Teas in Los Angeles and we have shared information about each other on our Facebook walls. When I sent the info about the creation of an e-book club project, she immediately responded as a sponsor. She chose Level 2 which includes social media. Here is the interesting thing. She is basically paying me to send tweets on Twitter and post two things about her events on my Facebook wall. I was already doing those things for FREE! Her comment to me was that she wanted to support my valuable work. At the time we thought I would be attracting teenagers to the club which is nice but would not be her "marketing audience." In the last few weeks, the audience is actually women in their 20's-70's. Women who are ready to make a leap. But, at the time, Debbie was sponsoring my brilliance.

In the process of reviewing the link for her newsletter, I noticed that she is offering a free CD. I signed up again and a week later it was in my mailbox. It is a 1 hour recorded interview with the topic 7 Mistakes Preventing You From Being a Woman on Fire. The timing of this was perfect! This is exactly what I wanted to say in this space. These are the things I believe women must heal to step into their brilliance. And we must recommit to the simple steps over and over. THIS IS THE WORK!!! We can make a huge difference.

Below is the list of the 7 mistakes. If you want to receive a FREE CD mailed to you to listen to the interview, I have listed the website link. Debbie's last newsletter was focused on the Omega Women and Power Conference in New York. Some of you may have been there! http://www.beawomanonfire.com/

Here are the mistakes she talks about on the CD:

Mistake #1 Failing to cheer on the successes of other women Mistake #2 Neglecting to ask for help Mistake #3 Having difficulty investing in yourself and your potential Mistake #4 Lacking awareness of your powerful impact on others Mistake #5 Withholding appreciation and credit to your supporters Mistake #6 Playing small Mistake #7 Comparing yourself to others

I am committed to cheering the successes of women, asking for help, investing in myself, noticing the power of my impact on others, appreciating my supporters, playing BIG! and discovering my unique gifts.

In gratitude for you all!

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