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From: Andrea H.
Date: Tuesday, October 5, 2010, 8:20 AM
Subject: Encouraging you to share your work
ID: 270881

Good morning again!

First I want to honor the space that each woman is in currently. You may be experiencing a calling to go within and listen to your own voice, to turn off the computer and to limit your involvement with a group like Evolutionary Woman. If anyone had asked me to post in here regularly over the last year, I would have said no. I needed silence to witness all of the pieces of me that were sad, glad and mad. It has been a rich year of discomfort and butterfly growth. I know that I am still in the chrysalis, but I am beginning to find my way out and preparing to fly. Now, I feel ready to post a few thoughts.

Here is my Call to Action:

Post your work in here. Post your passions. Post your deepest callings.

Maybe you are leading a retreat, authored a book, birthed a CD or maybe you tend a rose garden and smile at people in the grocery store. Maybe you are a full time mom or a caretaker. Maybe you are retired and you have a project. It all has great value. Ask for what you need. Sometimes the greatest gifts have come to me when someone sends me an e-mail and says, "I believe in you!"

IT ALL HAS GREAT VALUE! Let us become more visible to each other and build a strong unified field of support.

Then, pick a few things that inspire you this month and support your sisters. A few simple actions each month can shift and support each other.

Here is an example of support:

Bonnie Kelley and Cheryl Gould have a new CD on the website www.imaginethegood.com. If you felt a connection with this you could

1) purchase it, give it as a gift.

2) promote it on Facebook, Twitter, in a newsletter or send the link to friends.

3) include them in a morning prayer or meditation and visualize their work reaching people around the world.

4) send them an e-mail or a note of encouragement letting them know you believe in them

This can be with all of our work. Let us support each other in our brilliance. I want to know what you are doing and being. Let us build a resonant field of support and heal the world together for all women.

In gratitude,

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