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From: Andrea H.
Date: Tuesday, October 5, 2010, 11:47 AM
Subject: Do you know about Voices of the Sacred Feminine Radio?
Reply to: 270889
ID: 270890



These are all great resources.


I am posting the links over the next few days on my Facebook page and the fan/group Facebook pages of Evolutionary Women and An Evolutionary Woman's Journey Series. These will also go to my three Twitter accounts. A little bit at a time. Anyone can post info on the Facebook walls, too.


Now for anyone who is overwhelmed by the whoosh of energy from all of us, you can delete the messages and go to the LightPages Bulletin Board to review them when you have the energy and time. They are stored there. All is well! ---


On Tue, Oct 5, 2010, in msg270889, Karen Tate wrote --- Here below are descriptions of the most recent interviews on Voices of the Sacred Feminine Radio. Coming up are noted authors, visionaries, activists like Vandana Shiva, Frank Schaeffer, Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Nina Simons of Bioneers, Andrea Riggs, of Wake Up American Women, Jerri Studebaker, of Switching to Goddess, Liz Fisher of Rise Up and Call Her Name, Jeanne Davis Kimball of Warrior Women and much more related to women's issues, caring economics, equality, peace and tolerance. Last week's guests.... Donna Woolfolk Cross, author of Pope Joan discusses her book by the same name, about the brilliant woman born at the wrong time in history, who lived her life as a man in order to receive an education and who eventually became Pope. Donna will discuss the real woman and the movie based on her book and why, due to fear of Christian backlash, what the chances are of the movie being distributed here in the United States. Pope Joan was a colorful personage of history whose story is inspiring and whose life sadly ended in tragedy. Followed by Riane Eisler at 7:15Pm Pacific. Eisler, author, visionary, activist will discuss her upcoming keynote presentation at Chapman University in Orange, CA on October 2, "What's Good for Women is Good for the World." To tune in LIVE at 6PM PST, or anytime afterwards at your convenience form the archives: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/VoicesoftheSacredFeminine Thank you for your continued listener loyalty and feedback. Your comments and contributions are important, so keep them coming. To call in and speak to either guest, please call 718-766-4662. May the Great She Embrace You in Her Golden Wings, Karen Tate www.karentate.com ---

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