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From: Nancy A.
Date: Friday, November 12, 2010, 2:58 PM
Subject: Send Healing Light, Please
Reply to: 271121
ID: 271132

Dear Marilyn,

As a believer in the vital necessity of women supporting women, I surround you and your family in light and love. I have no words, only great energy which travels distances well.

I want to thank you for sharing your deep pain; this gives us permission to do the same.

Walking the path of light and dark with you,

Nancy Ayer

Advanced Veriditas Labyrinth Facilitator St. Croix, Virgin Islands, Orcas Island, WA

--- On Fri, Nov 12, 2010, in msg271121, Marilyn Clark wrote ---

While most of you I do not know, I feel that it is time to ask for your support as I walk the path with my husband of 37 years who is dying from a vicious form of leukemia. There has been very little respite with this illness and no return of strength and vitality on his part since July when the whole thing came into focus. It has been very hard to join with you because of my own sense of being strung out and overwhelmed. But I trust your good energies and invite them to surround him and me and my family and all of our good friends who support and walk with us. By the way, I'm not looking for advice simply loving support. Thank you. Marilyn


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