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From: Andrea H.
Date: Friday, February 4, 2011, 7:24 AM
Subject: My Service Project over the holidays
ID: 271497

Good morning,

I had an inspiration to host Grief Transformation Shows over the holiday season. I can't remember what I posted in here about that so thought I would update you. Here is a link to my blog and at the bottom of the blog is the link to the show page. There are 6 pages of topics with the recorded shows. There were 44 Shows with 27 guests and 17 shows where I talked about my own experiences of loss and a variety of healing techniques.

The link to the blog with the show page link at the bottom of the blog is http://calltoinspiration.blogspot.com/ Please pass this to anyone you think could benefit from grief transformation support.

I also have an E-Book on my website as part of a series of three books this year. I am transcribing the shows over a four month period. A section is e-mailed every month. Section 1 was e-mailed on Jan 22, Section 1 and 2 will be e-mailed in pdf form on Feb 11 and Sections 3 and 4 will be added in March and April. All of the show links are in the e-book to make it easy access and the shows can be downloaded.

I appreciate all of the prayers yesterday. I woke up at 3 am with the words, "We have to let go of things in the way we know them." There were shimmering fields of energy and guides were showing something that is transforming. I know you are a part of this transformation. Holding sacred space is incredibly important at this time.

From the private e-mails I received yesterday, I know that there is shame and guilt and grief that is happening with the transition point on the Earth. I know I was called to be a voice in the dark. My calling to grief transformation is about grieving loss and change, as well as loss from death of a loved one.

And I truly know that all is well.

In gratitude and deep love, Andrea

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