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From: Andrea H.
Date: Saturday, May 19, 2012, 7:15 AM
Subject: The next Book Circle Project with Heal My Voice
ID: 272921

Heal My Voice is an organization I started in Jan 2011. I was guided to form book circles with women leaders and then allow the steps to emerge to work with women in prison, domestic abuse shelters, middle schools, grief recovery centers and drug rehab transitional housing space. (Projects with women in prison are already happening. Connecting women who reside in prison with women who reside in the free world, as letter writers.)

The next Heal My Voice book circle is gathering now. Seventeen women have joined. There is room for eight more.

It is more than writing a story:

*a field of energy *a place to be held as the next steps for leadership emerge in your life *weekly phone calls with energy work and sharing *three individual coaching sessions *all phone calls are recorded and can be listened to on the computer *secret facebook group *a community of women leaders and...oh, yeah...we will be writing a story!

All of the phone calls are optional. No attendance. We build the energy and it is a place to connect. There is also a secret Facebook group.


Are you ready?

The beginning of writing a story is a quiet path. It is part of an inner journey. And it is a path to self-discovery.Listen for the Words.

*Open to anything that crosses your path and stirs your heart.

*Let the river of ideas flow from within you. Do not push the river or grab in a feeling of franticness.

*Take a breath…

*Listen. Just Listen…


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