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From: Jeanie D.
Date: Monday, April 23, 2007, 7:09 PM
Subject: [SBGlobalVillage] Adult Ed class on community
ID: 256918

Dear Everyone,

Thank you for cocreating such an important first environment for our Tuesday class, "Creating the community you long to belong to". We are clearly all motivated toward something we may call true community that serves each person and the whole of Santa Barbara.

The Conscious Evolution team is delighted to share what it knows about how to create environments that evoke our highest potential. And we expect that our sharing plus the wisdom that each person brings, of their own previous experiences of relationships and community, will contribute to a potent learning environment for us all.

I'm writing this note from within a new network called the Santa Barbara Global Village. It is a way that we can communicate to one another in between classes, if we choose to do so. Let me know if you're interested in participating this way, or if you would rather not do so. I like to think that meeting in-person and networking on the Internet are two arms of a rich community-building process that will serve us all.

Looking forward to our class tomorrow evening, and its potential to evoke next steps for Santa Barbara's "swatisee" (Ghandi's word for neighborhoods that coalesce into a landscape of overlapping communities). Please invite your friends... new registrations are still welcome, and once again, thank you so much for our harmony of deep intention...

Jeanie DeRousseau

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