Bridge Across Consciousness
" ... Harmonial religion as here conceived is a vast and highly diffuse religious impulse that cuts across all the normal lines of religious division. It often shapes the the inner meaning of the church life to which people formally commit themselves ... "
A Religious History Of The American People - Sydney E. Ahlstrom

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From: Jeanie D.
Date: Thursday, September 13, 2007, 2:22 PM
Subject: Tree vs. Net
Reply to: 260998
ID: 258472

So... the tree and the net feel very seminal to me to the many and the one, me and you, to LightPages.

Let's consider that the net/right hemisphere/nonlinear/wholeness is a metaphor for undifferentiated connectivity. Let's consider that the tree or something like the tree in more than one dimension happens whenever 2 or more centers initiate a manifestation. The net would be evermore, but the tree would be impermanent. Still, there's a relationship because the tree would be overlain on the net in a hierarchical fashion.

If we make a net in LightPages, but allow tree formation to occur and dissolve, will we replicate the implicate order?

Just thoughts to test the, environment.

Love, Jeanie

P.S. One click brought me to this page, since I was already logged in... very nice!

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