Bridge Across Consciousness
"The One bears all things." 'Akathist to the Mother of God', 6th century Byzantine hymn, edited by Patriarch Sergius, 7th century
At the Lighting of the Lamps, Hymns of the Ancient Church - John A. McGucklin, compiler

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From: Constance H.
Date: Saturday, February 23, 2008, 7:35 AM
Subject: Bridge Across Consciousness
ID: 259840

Dear Bruce and All!

Thank you for inviting me to join you;-) I'm ready for bridging across consciousness. I believe this is the next step, where else do we go, but forward and onwards into new states of consciousness, and bringing them all together, humanity, everyone and everything...raise, bridge and build.

How do we begin?

Any comments?

In Love, In Joy

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