Bridge Across Consciousness
"Any good thing one does for another person – is forever."
Being and Becoming, A Field Approach to Psychology - Arthur W. Combs

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From: Bruce S.
Date: Saturday, February 23, 2008, 9:43 AM
Subject: The Alphabet Versus the Goddess
Reply to: 262391
ID: 259843

Hmm. That last message got sent a bit abruptly -- I need to get the controls on this network tuned up a bit more. But "LightPages" seems to be working pretty well now. We've put a lot of energy into this system over the past few months, and it's starting to run pretty sharp. As some of you know, we are now on a "dedicated server" running Cold Fusion 8 (the latest version of the Cold Fusion programming language, which supports the network systems I have been building).


What I was going to also say -- is that I expect to build up some kind of detailed model of this "Bridge" idea over on our dedicated domain. The basic idea is -- there is a range of "levels" in thinking -- or consciousness, or awareness -- or in "concepts" -- and that this range, or spectrum, which I call The Bridge, can be known and described in precise terms.

This general thesis has to do with "right brain" and "left brain" -- and is reviewed in elegant detail in the book The Alphabet Versus the Goddess, by neurophysiologist Dr. Leonard Shlain.

The general idea is -- there is a tension between deep intuition -- which is holistic and inclusive, but tends to be fuzzy and vague -- and analytic empiricism -- which is precise and exact and testable -- but tends to be fragmentary, and weakly connected, if at all, to related knowledge and insight.

The concept behind the Bridge is -- we need to "connect the dots" -- connect the levels.

Shlain's book is a wonderful introduction to many of the core issues that underlie this spectrum. I have placed a lot of this book online, to make it as available as possible, and you can link to it here:

For me, all of this is entirely fascinating, and right at the core of the most pressing and critical scientific issues of our day. How can we build a comprehensive integral model of human understanding, that balances intuition and analysis, is fully inclusive, and presents the full spectrum of human consciousness and potential?

Something in me says -- this is entirely possible and do-able. I think it can happen, I think it should happen, and I tend to believe that this is one of the most important and potent issues facing the world today. We need a comprehensive and sound method for interconnecting the levels of human understanding. I think "The Bridge" is a strong candidate for solving this problem.

Thanks for being here, and I look forward to seeing where this goes.

- Bruce

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