Bridge Across Consciousness
"All parts of creation are linked together and interchange their influences. The balanced rhythm of the universe is rooted in reciprocity." Sri Yukteswar, Indian spiritual teacher
Autobiography of a Yogi - Paramahansa Yogananda

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From: Sarah Devi G.
Date: Tuesday, July 8, 2008, 1:01 AM
Subject: Dave Stringer at Yoga Soup next Sat July 19th
ID: 262390

Dear music lovers of the CEN,

Just to let you know that awesome rocking Dave Stringer is coming back to Yoga Soup next Sat July 19th. I think you know this is a show you won’t want to miss. Looking forward to chanting and dancing with you all! Peace love and kirtan,



Saturday, July 19, 8:00 PM

Yoga Soup

28 Parker Way

Santa Barbara, CA 93101


Tickets $20 in advance

$25 day of show

Dave on Myspace

? "Dave is the American rocker of devotional music. His music and chanting has a strong jazzy rock and funk groove, which compels your soul to dance. Dave always puts his whole heart into his songs. His full blast style is contagious and so if you want to get down and rock from the depths of your heart as you chant..... then Dave Stringer is the man". -John Friend, founder of Anusara Yoga

Dave Stringer's concerts are an experience to be remembered. Dave has a "volcano of a voice" says LA Yoga Pages, and once you've seen him perform live, you'll understand how powerful that voice can be. The slowly building nature of kirtan music is in its most vibrant form at Dave's concerts, starting with an inner calmness that builds to an earth-shaking, dance-inducing fervor.

What is Kirtan?

"I don't know which to prefer, the beauty of inflections, or the beauty of innuendoes. The blackbird whistling, or just after." --- Wallace Stevens

Mantras quiet the mind, and music frees the heart. The intention of kirtan is consciousness transformation, directing the singers to vanish into the song as drops merge into the ocean. The musicians and the crowd coalesce in a cloud of intelligence, turning together like a flock of birds, until the song itself vanishes into the skies of silence.

Kirtan (from the Sanskrit word for singing) is easily learned and instantly memorable. The form is simple: a lead group calls out the melodies. The crowd responds, clapping and dancing as the rhythms of tablas, finger cymbals, harmonium, tamboura, electric bass and guitar build and accelerate. The mantras are projected overhead, making them simple to follow.

Sanskrit is the mother tongue of many modern languages, and a kind of periodic table of elemental sound-meaning. The mantras are primarily recitations of names given to the divine. But perhaps the true understanding of the mantras can be found in the sense of unity, well-being and timelessness that they elicit. Ecstasy is both the process and the product.

"Listen friend, this body is his instrument. He draws the strings tight, and out of it comes the music of the universe." --- Kabir

Kirtan has become popular as a participatory live music experience for yogis of all styles and forms. Dave's unique sound fuses the transcendent mysticism of traditional instruments with the exuberant, groove oriented sound of American gospel, jazz and funk.

Divas & Devas, Dave's beautiful new album of East Indian Kirtan with contemporary arrangements, is sung as male-female duets, in Sanskrit, Hindi and Marathi. The album is rich with the romantic and intimate interplay of masculine and feminine, symbolizing the larger more relationship of the human and the divine. The arrangements also echo this dual interplay employing traditional Indian instruments such as tablas, sarangi and santoor, along with Western instruments such as vibes, cello, trumpet, flute, mandolin and lap steel.

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