Bridge Across Consciousness
"The whole story of the crucifixion, which is a fundamental image in the Christian tradition, speaks of the coming of eternity into the field of time and space, where there is a dismemberment. But it also speaks of the passage from the field of time and space into the field of eternal life."
The Power of Myth - Joseph Campbell

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From: Patricia B.
Date: Wednesday, August 17, 2011, 10:34 AM
Subject: Science and Weight Loss Teleseminar Sept.14th
ID: 272244

"I continue to lose weight (120 lbs as of now) and to recommend your work to friends and acquaintances. I'm so pleased your work continues to be available to the general public. It is unlike any other weight loss program and I feel you made an immeasurable contribution to my life and health." -FFF Participant

Dear Friends,

Fall is approaching and once again it's another season of opportunity to look within at what old thoughts and ideas need to fall away in order for the new thoughts to emerge. I have just finished being filmed in a documentary called the Business of Disease where I join with my colleagues Bruce H. Lipton, PhD, Sonia Barrett and others in the knowing that our thoughts and beliefs are affecting the cells of our body all of the time. Since science has shown us that we cannot observe something (our bodies included) without them changing, it's important for you to empower yourself by focusing on the thoughts and ideas that can return you to your perfect weight now. You are far more powerful than you think. Any person permanently in their perfect proportion will tell you that they know that they can eat whatever they want and not gain weight. It is this integrated belief system and focus that is taught in this program. I invite you to join this cutting edge weekly teleseminar that will shepherd you through this process taking you from where you are to where you want to be. I will coach you through the two week healing process where you will demonstrate on yourself that your mind can actually change your body. It is my hope that you will begin to take the steps to free yourself from the endless cycle of losing and gaining weight and reclaim the vibrant life and aliveness that you deserve.

To register, see below. I look forward to working with you on this journey!

This is a one time offer so give yourself this gift of support. As this class may well fill up quickly, I urge you to sign up now. I will be accepting 20 committed people only: Register at

Date September 14, 2011 Time 4:30pm-6:00pm Cost $50/week for 14-16 weeks*

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