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"The word 'resonance' derives from the Latin 'resonare' or resound. Like an echo 'resound' owes its existence to the other: Plucking one string of an instrument creates resonant vibrations in a second."
The Empathic Imagination - Alfred Margulies, M.D.

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From: Verronika W.
Date: Monday, February 4, 2008, 10:44 AM
Subject: Eyes Wide Open - Being Without Fear
Reply to: 262244
ID: 259696

Dear Bruce and all

this is a wonderful answer

and yes it is coming up that there are different (or is diverse better?) forums with the same messages or so...

I believe in the LRIG group (yahoo) are people wi´ho are not in globlaresonce already....

this might have been the reason why....

may be we can ask there to move here this would make it much easier and also honor what already is done here....

sending gobs of laughter and hugs of love veroniKA

---- On Mon, Feb 4, 2008, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

Dear Wolfgang -- Dear All --

Just a little good morning, and maybe some attempt at a necessary clarification...

In my reading of your email, Wolfgang, you are making several major points -- regarding big issues -- and in a very brief reply, I just wanted to offer this little excerpt from an email somebody sent me..

Most successful organizations rely on a mission/vision/values statement.
Is it time for nations and partnerships to create such?
The process alone could inspire and unite people like never before...
if powered BY THE PEOPLE
and leads to an empowered tactical plan (like a business plan).

Left-brain drivers like missions.
Right-brain creatives love visions.
Passionate seekers embrace values.
Synergized, they can transcend differences and weave dimensions
(i.e. transmute our exhausted dominator paradigm to an energized partnership paradigm... with the power of intention, heart, and action)

I like this vision, and the feeling behind it. It's positive, recognizes difficulties, and opens the way to an inclusive synergy that embraces a broad spectrum of human possibilities -- "left brain, right brain, passion" -- which I believe we are called to synthesize.

It's not "we are One -- and you are not". It's "we are all One -- including you, even if you are not like me very much...."

Holding open that embrace of real diversity -- diversity that can be difficult and challenging -- that is the key to liberating the creative power of the human community. This takes some real strength, some real depth of heart and vision...

But you've heard this from me many times....


Regarding your other point

(and please if someone could tell me in short the purpose of the diversification of groups - we have globalresonance, we have lightpages and then there is this yahoo group - I admit this gets a bit unclear to me, did I miss something? - especially as we understand ourselves to be torchbearers of ONENESS and UNITY)

Yes, I understand -- to some degree, I felt the same way, when the LRIG group appeared. It was something that "happened". People felt a need to do something slightly different, they felt a different calling, they made some things happen...

Now, I can tell you -- that when this happened, it was rather painful for me. I had put so much into the Global Resonance framework, and and done my best to give so much to everybody -- and here they go, at the drop of a hat, just splitting off and creating something new and independent -- and private...

I thought that same thing. We are supposed to stick together, that's critical, that's essential to what we are doing. And these guys, I was thinking -- they either don't get this, or they don't care. So, at first, this was a little painful.

But from my point of view, this all worked out, and has led to some valuable and interesting growth. I was over-reacting a bit, and the people involved have stayed connected with me -- which is what matters. I think the bottom line is -- we are stronger, we have more capacity, we can do more things in more powerful ways..

Why I feel this way is

We can still maintain the same "unity" while operating through separate -- but interrelated -- networks and systems. We are not all the same, we have different skills, different instincts. As per my quote above, some are "left brain drivers with a mission", some are "right brain creatives with a vision" -- and we need both. Understood in the right way, the world is a huge bowl of creative energy bubbling away -- and we want to be right in the thick of that...

So -- what I would say is --

The Global Resonance Network has a lot of features and capacity for building up our vision. It has a continuing and ongoing usefulness for us.

LightPages -- where I am posting this message -- is a framework for bringing together many groups and networks -- including as many "Global Resonance Networks" as we might want to create.

When the time is right, Michael Ellis might want to turn on these LightPage networks we're set up for him...

Maybe you, too, Wolfgang, should have a "LightPage group" -- it's easy enough to make that happen.

And the thing is -- we can pursue many separate and distinct and important topics and themes, in independent ways -- while at the same time, remaining in the same framework, the same context, the same (larger/inclusive) network.

The bottom line is -- we've been busy, there's a lot of growth going on, a lot of new possibilities emerging and taking shape. I think it's all great, and I am very excited to see where it goes.

Love and thanks

- Bruce

---- On Mon, Feb 4, 2008, Wolfgang Fischer wrote ---

Dear Friends,

two quotations are supposed to encourage concerning the (at the LRIG yahoo group) expressed doubts. This also is aligned with the posts of Starr* and veroniKA. When entering the New Paradigm and when living up to it there only will be the free and common code of life: LOVE and UNITY...

(and please if someone could tell me in short the purpose of the diversification of groups - we have globalresonance, we have lightpages and then there is this yahoo group - I admit this gets a bit unclear to me, did I miss something? - especially as we understand ourselves to be torchbearers of ONENESS and UNITY)

corrupting forces are strong - but Love is more powerful and satisfying than anything else

"The global dominance of Western Scientific Materialism came into existence through Western global dominance (editor's note: which often appears insensitive, ignorant and violent, 'Patriarchy' according to Claudia von Werlhof a.o., 'Necrophilia' according to Erich Fromm) through the 'hard power' arising from science and technology, not through empirical proof or superior logical argument. The rising hard power of the East will ensure (editor's note: so to speak 'from below' jointly and in dialogue with world-wide indigenous wisdom and spirituality as for example: The Inka Path of Wisdom [], [] and others more) that the world becomes aware of the fact that, in spite of the West's so-called 'Logocentrism' and Science, the logical arguments and the 'transempirical', collectively verifiable, facts of experience reveal that Western philosophy and science are merely mythologies based on Christian-Greek superstitions and the true ontology is that of the primacy of transcendental Pure Consciousness, from which the so-called 'physical world' arises as a temporal manifestation."

Sutapas Bhattacharya, biologist, author of the "Oneness/Otherness Mystery", and of "The Divine Light and the Mystery of Existence" (pdf-file)

"The universe appears as an unfathomably huge space for never ending formation, composition, structuring, transformation, reformation, decomposition and again formation according to cosmic laws. Life is a very special case in the processes of the universe. The forces of the sun and their respective modulation by the stars in our solar system let emerge life on earth. Against all probabilities an ongoing chain of information emerges and creates the ever more complex getting order of Nature. Nature's coherent organisation beginning from subatomic spheres via molecules up to highly differentiated organisms is based on the spiral pulse of life and directs emergence as well as transformation of ever more complex beings. The information of life physically is being stored in the genetic matter of the creatures. The virtual or disembodied aspect of this information can energetically, mentally, spiritually be experienced especially in dream or trance. Anyhow it is as real as anything else. Based on feedback processes the reality of life by inevitable consequences of any move maintains the creative normality of authentic meaning within the highly complex interrelatedness of all being. Some scientists call this all over creative, mutually supporting and complementing condition Love."

quote from Peaceableness & Global Conviviality

with Love, Wolfgang



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