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"Looking for the good in a situation allows us to call it by its right name. Dear reader, do you know what a marvel lies hidden in these words, a marvel that you can put to the test and see for yourself before this day is over?"
The Child Within Us Lives!, A Synthesis of Science, Religion and Metaphysics - William Samuel

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From: Michael E.
Date: Tuesday, February 5, 2008, 4:36 AM
Subject: Maintaining Openness
Reply to: 262213
ID: 259700

Dear Strarr, Johnathon and Constance


Thankyou for your heartfelt warm integral empathic messages which I really appreciate

I just want to make a couple of points. There are certain revolutions occurring on the planet at this time

1 Evolution is not a random event, but has purpose in it. In this respect, the universe is a biological self- referential evolving creative system

2 Darwinian evolution, is false. We live in a co-operative living matrix, in which everything maintains itself at the expense of everything else

3, Materialistic science is dead,notonly literally, but also theoretically. The universe is built and exists on energy in a quantum non local field

4 Humanity exists to operate in communication units and systems. We are all cells in a loving matrix, When they did experiments, , with love, centred, transcendental meditation in the 1960s, in major American cities, delinquency, crime and illness went down and stock markets stored.

Scientifically, it was found, that it only required the square root of 1% of the population, in coherent love centred meditation to affect the whole population and the whole system. What this means is that in one million people we only require 100 people in heart centred meditation to affect change.

Consider this that if we have 50 people on this group in heartfelt meditation, we can influence. Half a million people, and this change, only has to occur in short bursts to affect the morphogenic field

Even, each of us meditating on our own has enormous power to affect thousands of people around us..

What I'm saying basically, is that we are much more powerful than we may think we are

warm wishes



---- On Sat, Feb 2, 2008, Jonathan Stemer wrote ---

Namaste Michael, Constance and everyONE,

Michael...regarding the recent post about the Global Meditation and The Moses Code film, I was simply forwarding information that Starr* asked me to post to the forum. I don't know what James Twyman's intentions are around this movie. If you sense that this is a way for him to line his pockets with money, then I would suggest you draft an email directly to him and see if he responds to it.

I've had a recent dialogue with Ram around maintaining the purity of what we are offering at LRIG. I do think it is worthwhile to have a dialogue around spirituality and the physical/material world. Perhaps, in our next experience that is coming up this month focusing on " detached involvement " we will address this issue.

I also want to acknowledge what Constance wrote:

" ...there is an ongoing spirit of materialism within the marketing of spiritual wisdom, however this shouldn't limit The Truth to be extracted from the reality of the truth behind the marketing...what serves grows, what doesn't serve, will eventually be shown into the light for what it is...I honestly appreciate your energy to help maintain the integrity of the group and what we are aligning with in its purest form, and please always feel free to do so. We need to be able to co-create a free & safe zone, that no matter what we say or post here, we all love each other unconditionally, and we allow each other to express themselves as they are in the moment, and accept this for what it is."

Peaceful blessings,



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