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"The cosmos is ensouled….It is in The Soul, which bears it up, and shares in it wholly." Plotinus, 'The Soul'
The Essential Plotinus - Translated by Elmer O'Brien, S.J.

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From: Michael E.
Date: Sunday, February 10, 2008, 3:35 AM
Subject: one ness Love and Forgiveness
Reply to: 262290
ID: 259744

Yiou may be interested in my views regarding one ness

What is needed is the awakening of a new consciousness and creativity to the challenges posed by the deep crisis that humanity now faces. We are at the summit of 6.5 billion years of evolution. The biosphere is a panoply of beauty and creativity with the mountains, Sunscapes, moonscapes, wild forests and the enormous biodiversity offlora and fauna. It is only in the past 20 years, have we at last realised through science our deep kinship with all living species on the planet. And this comes with the dread realisation, that our biosphere and planet are now on the sixth phase extinction of biodiversity, which is occurring at 30,000 species a year. The last time that this occurred was 65 million years ago, with the extinction of the dinosaurs.. Humanity is now an endangered species

For over 100,000 years, until 10,000 years ago, humanity existed embedded, in nature. in harmony with its rhythms and cycles. Two and a half thousand years ago, around the great rivers of the Indus, Euphrates and yellow River, the great religions of the world began in an axial revolution. 500 years later, Christianity was born, and in its own way as with all other religions. Christianity, contains the symbols of the seasons and of the rhythms and cycles of nature.

All the great religions of the world, are there basically, to enhance the sacredness of value inherent in human life and all of life.

In particular, all the great religions have within them an esoteric or hidden message, which is in direct connection with the ancient wisdom of the indigenous people of the world. This is the depth and wisdom inherent in the human heart and also our deep connection with the symbols and meaning of the flora and fauna of nature in terms of totems, shamanistic symbols. flowers such as The Lotus etc etc which by their very nature reach us to higher spiritual levels of experience and consciousness.

Harvard University's Forum on Religion and Ecology ( is the largest international multireligious project of its kind. The overall aim of its work is to find what connects rather than what separates us in terms of religions and ideologies. The environmental crisis, especially the loss of biodiversity, highlights our need to connect with the common ground of our interconnectedness with all of life and the need to highlight our deep respect for the sacredness of all of life

We need a new vision to unite humanity.

Indeed, this vision is happening in various fields around the planet. We only have to look at the earth charter, which is an expression of a new form of global governance, based on deep respect for the sacredness of life. This ties in well with the many citizens movements, which seek for a more equal representation of the voices of the people that they may be more clearly heard and represented.

There is also the development of new disciplines and understandings of religion and ecology, science and religion, holistic medicine, holistic education, involving the environment and also ecological economics, especially the work of Hazel Henderson.

A new religion or a new consciousness will need to encompass a Meta paradigm which brings together a more unified understanding of our place in the universe



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