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The Future Is Now: The Significance of Precognition - Arthur W. Osborn

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From: S´ace G.
Date: Friday, February 29, 2008, 2:12 AM
Subject: Pending Growth Group Work in the Garden
Reply to: 262441
ID: 259902

dear bruce & constance & youtoo,

i sense the unity as a set of single paces that synchronize ...

just 2 paces is a little bit poor and too simple ...

a human being needs a circular thinking and then a sense to see more by having experienced that ...

so in example Being and the Doing goes with be-coming and be-having in a 4Q-set giving the 5th ...


Beethoven ::**::

see the * as the sensemaking key that opened a lock gentlly ... on symphonic strings ...


then see for the Game of Bridge (indeed 52 cards) itself: 4 pace-types:

We Vulnerable

Them Vulnerable

All Vulnerable

No One Vulnerable

(a Pace set of 4 Types of Processing Together)

And then Synchronize that to this Date: 2/29 !

4 cycles of 52 weeks are marked by a LeapDay synchronizing a Thing/k ;-)

which is the immanent spark of sets within sets, clues within clues, keys to keys as decodes to the blood running throught the vaines - so alive and pulsing

namaste S'ace co**fused

---- On Thu, Feb 28, 2008, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

Greetings, Pioneers of Deep Spirit --

Good to see all this rich creative energy continuing to unfold in such fertile ways. And yes, gardens grow best in fertile soil....

I was just thinking about this quote

"When large numbers of men and women can so act, then the human family will enter upon its destined work of planetary service. Its mission is to act as a bridge between the world of spirit and the world of material forms. All grades of matter meet in the human, and all the states of consciousness are possible to them. Humankind can work in all directions, and lift the subhuman kingdoms into heaven, and bring heaven down to earth."

As some here know, this "Bridge" theme is becoming exciting to me again. Garden as Bridge? Maybe yes --

What I can see -- is the connectivity from "heaven" ("The One") to "the world of material forms" (the actual reality where we live our daily lives).

Constance has gathered up some of the essential material from this "Garden" energy, and brought it together in the document she uploaded to LP/LRIG. That's a good article, nicely put together.

And if I did it right, you should be able to link to that document simply by clicking the "documents" link at the bottom of this message.

We are growing at many levels -- deep intuition, cybernetics, resonant intention -- circles....

All of this can come together, in a brilliant fusion. I sense that we all feel this. Let it come....

---- On Tue, Feb 26, 2008, Constance Hall-Orman wrote ---

Hello to you All!

Here is a quote that I found from Alice A. Bailey in reference to group work and selfless service, also pays to mind, what can happen in the Garden.

"When large numbers of men and women can so act, then the human family will enter upon its destined work of planetary service. Its mission is to act as a bridge between the world of spirit and the world of material forms. All grades of matter meet in the human, and all the states of consciousness are possible to them. Humankind can work in all directions, and lift the subhuman kingdoms into heaven, and bring heaven down to earth."

See, Garden topic in Documents.

And when you have any comments, would love to hear them.


PS: I see this as the marriage between the Being and the Doing!

Enjoy, In joy!



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