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The Flight of the Wild Gander - Joseph Campbell

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From: Bruce S.
Date: Saturday, March 1, 2008, 2:01 PM
Subject: The Garden
Reply to: 262471
ID: 259921


Just wanted to mention -- that it might be interesting to explore ways we could "build" information within this framework. Over on Global Resonance -- we have our system for "My Pages" -- which works pretty good -- but -- it does not present the contents (the "pages") very well. They are hard to find and read. Maybe we could come up with something better. Think about it.

Right now, one thing we can do here immediately is "Upload documents". Constance has got the hang of that. It's easy, and it does put a bunch of stuff in one place.

Along that line -- one thing I am doing is -- creating ways to "merge" documents (and graphics / photos) between groups. In other words, if you uploaded a document to Global Resonance, and "allowed merge" -- then that document could be merged with Love Radiance Intention. In other words, the "merge" feature allows you to share selected documents between groups -- so, if something you want to share is relevant to both groups, you don't have to upload it twice. You just make the same file available in both places. That feels like a good way to do a "garden".

Also, one or two other thoughts....

Something I am doing right now -- is creating what amounts to a list of "questions". Would that be interesting to people here? Suppose we had a little slot for something like "My Questions" -- every question anyone could think of that was relevant to the purposes of this group (or any LightPage group). People could add their own questions -- and then there could be a way for people to answer them -- or for the group to work together to create "answers". Does that sound interesting?

People might ask a bunch of questions about meditation, for example -- and the experts here could provide some very good answers. How do I do it? How do I connect with others at a distance? What previous research has been done on this? Who is doing this stuff today? What do the saints have to say about it? If the questions were organized neatly -- this might be a great introduction to what is going on, and people could work together to make it happen.

Just some thoughts -- Happy March --

- Bruce

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