Love Radiance Intention Go to your Light Center
"The interplay of the monads would be unintelligible if an aura did not extend from one to another: something, that is, which is peculiar to each one of them and at the same time common to all."
Writings in Time of War - Pierre Teilhard deChardin

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From: Verronika W.
Date: Sunday, March 2, 2008, 11:45 AM
Subject: The Garden
Reply to: 262480
ID: 259928

a short hallo to you all

wonderful the docus - Constance

super ideas the mergin thing and the rest too....big compliments - Bruce

my computer crashed so i am not so often in the internet and MY garden pages are there....hahaha

i know that i will get them back - not knowing when...

Starrr* let your arm heal ... kiss kiss for healing...

my cats often go with me there to meet the little puma - and play

even the little boy comes with me he enjoys the bath in the amethyst rainbow water...

and the relaxing oiling afterwards with the angelic smells.....

love to you all enjoy your day enjoy your night lets meet there

when i enter i am greeted by a rosegarden and elves kind of:


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