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The Secret of the Rosary - St. Louis DeMontfort

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From: Rita K.
Date: Monday, March 10, 2008, 10:18 AM
Subject: Into the Wild - Sharing Experience
Reply to: 262554
ID: 260014

Hello Constance, Ram, Veronika, S'ace, Star and all

Thanks for the recent messages on "Sharing" and how we can encourage ourselves to share on daily basis without fear? Feeling grateful for things every day which are coming to us into our lives and keeping a gratitude journal allows us to keep this powerful energy going. Gratitude energy likes to circulate with others on its own whether it is good health, wealth, abundance, goodness,peace, love or any things else. More we are grateful for the things happening in our lives, more we like to share with others. We like to see this happen into other's lives as well. There is a deep sense of fulfillment in it. From there we start to find our unique talents and share those selflessly, little by little, where ever we go, whosoever we meet. The law of giving and receiving start to circulate in to our lives effortlessly and spontaneously and also into the universe.

I am grateful that I am part of this group and to you all for sharing these kind of authentic dialouges.

Love to you all.


--- On Sat, Mar 8, 2008, in msg262554, Constance Hall-Orman wrote ---

Greetings;-)and Love to All!

It's interesting how timing plays into our experiences now, as when this happens, turn around, and something similar is happening somewhere else. Is it timing? Is it happening? Is it a message, is anybody listening?

I watched the movie Into the Wild, directed by Sean Penn last night, and it was so aligned in the groups request in sharing experience. Each of us can relate to this film, and walk away with what it means to us, however in the characters journey into the wild, his final realization is that Life/Experience is to be shared. It is! Life is to be shared! Life is the opportunity for us to share love and share the experience in it!

Some share infinitely without limitations, some share regularly but with limitations, some share minimally when it serves them, and some don't share at all. Why? What are we afraid of? Lack of understanding, acceptance and unconditional love? Perhaps so, perhaps the world is afraid to share. How do we change this? How do we get more sharing into the world, with open relationships without fear?

There is something to be said for Selfless Unconditional Service, a tricky tight rope to remain balanced. Releasing into the field of unconditional selfless service gives us the opportunity to share our unique self in the relationships we experience with each other, our families, our friends and the world as a whole.

Sharing is needed, but also Give in sharing your compassion for the one that is sharing, perhaps when they are sharing they feel they will not be accepted or understood, so share with them, wherever/whenever, so they know that yes, we are the same.



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