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Reflections of an Elder Brother: Awakening from the Dream - Mary-Margaret Moore

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From: S´ace G.
Date: Tuesday, March 11, 2008, 2:49 PM
Subject: stone :: passawaypebble
ID: 260046

a little anecdote to pass some time ...

3 weeks ago i spend my time on a peer2peer meet ...

slipped away to mingle in a mesh of individuals ...

took my hand out of the pocket and ... oops there was a stone, say pebble in that ...

it has a nice curve in it ... my fingerspitzengefühl resonated that ... the caresses narrated that ...


a nice lady stood beside me ...

"i would like to give you this"

"what is it"

"what do you think"

"a stone?"

"it is a passawaypebble" (dutch : doorgeefsteentje)

"so :-) what is the story to that?"

"well, now it is 2008 and on 8/8/8 the story is to be g**gled ;-)

... "


"So, do not forget to pass it away with the right message to that ;-)"


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