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"We have to try to reveal that Light which is hidden in us as a bud. It must blossom like a flower. In all things everywhere, in all beings, the Light is hidden, and it must be revealed." Mother Meera
Mandala, Luminous Symbols for Healing - Judith Cornell, Ph.D.

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From: Constance H.
Date: Sunday, March 23, 2008, 7:53 AM
Subject: God is Invisible!
Reply to: 262790
ID: 260222

Greetings to All!

Thank you Ram for bringing the energy of God here through your sharing of the quote by Douglas E.

Veronika, I share this same lap with you, I can relate to your words, and feel your experience as my experience, even though our experiences may seem so different;-) And here is God, with us, in us, the source of all things working through this human vessel. Indeed we are not alone;-)

So my place is a beach, where I can go and speak to the source, and my imagination likes to create a really laid back Jesus. We sit on the beach together and I can talk to him about anything. He is a fantastic listener. Sometimes we walk on the water;-) a new technique I'm learning, as in the way of the wizard. Many times I cry about this or that, and he just listens with so much compassion, and soon, being there in his/its presence, the tears turn to laughter, love, and are released into the moment. This place, the beach is in me, goes where I go, I'm am there now, as I am here typing these words. Peace is here, everywhere, in everything, as is god/source/love/energy/form.

The beauty of this group, is our ability to be willing to share this experience, y/our experiences, as this is intended to be so. This is how we know we are connected and interconnected, this is the building of the bridge in a variety of unique and individual expressions of the source itself!

The power is within you, the power is within us, we are now recognizing this power within. The power is now motivated to force the power without, and to use the power, wield the power of the greatest transformation to occur in our time, of a new humanity, a humanity that understands and accepts the power of love and wisdom, and begins to use this power within the day to day living expression of IT.

Find your connection and power up!


Thank you everyone, for your love, energy and willingness to co*create this power without of us into living manifestation;-)

--- On Sun, Mar 23, 2008, in msg262790, Verronika Walch wrote ---

--- On Sun, Mar 23, 2008, in msg262789, Ram Varma wrote ---

Hi All,

>>>God is indivisible. This is so marvelous because it means the whole of God is where you are -- not your little bit of God, but the whole of God<<<..From Open to the Source, by Douglas E.

As I see it, this could have different meanings to different people in their own unique ways.

Would you like to share your heart-felt interpretation of this piece from your day to day living point of view?


--- Dear Ram and all....

what synchronicity....

this is what is my feeling all the time...

nearly all the time

sometimes i forget it - seem to forget it - and quickly am reminded....

my feeling is - since very young

that i sit on the lap of a very caring - very nurturing - very loving source

i am enveloped in pure love

sometimes this love is so overwhenlming that tears run down my cheeks....

and i so dearly want to share it

and there is just one relationship that does not take it

and i always thought this is the most loving one...

but as this is that one that placed me so very back to the lap of the source

i am grateful for it...

and within this being enveloped

there is radiating from inside to outside

sometimes more

sometimes less

appreciation for that what is (easy to me)

compassion for those invovlved ( to me the most difffcult hahaha...)

forgiveness (rather easy to me)

humility (sometimes forgotten in that everyday have to do list - otherwise it is easy - surrender in humility)

understanding ( mostly when haveing had a deeper look inside)

valor ( to say my truth, even if this thruth may change with more and more awareness .... - this is my learning field - not to swallow everything haha)

and gratitude

with gratitude i am immediately "back and sitting within the divine love"

is this

what you wnated to know....

sharing my place on the lap of our source



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