Love Radiance Intention Go to your Light Center
"Each religion has its own method of realisation whereby the ultimate reality, the final self, the integrating principle is reached." D. T. Suzuki, 'What Is Shin Buddhism?",
Reincarnation: The Phoenix Fire Mystery - Cranston/Head, editors

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From: Verronika W.
Date: Thursday, April 3, 2008, 12:50 PM
Subject: Love Radiance Intention Experience VI
Reply to: 262910
ID: 260343

dear friends in one ...

as the next experience weekend is a training weekend for me within a group for

certificate the anti-aggression-training

and there we will be trained and confronted with lots of aggressivities that flow around those beings

i dearly ask you

not to connect too deeply with my then-surrounding....

so that you do not get disurbed within you experiences

otherwise it may be interesting

if you feel anything from my surrounding

enjoy your expereinces

and I am looking foreward to hearing about...

regards from the stillness of the lake

appreciatiatin love joy gratitude humility valor forgiveness


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