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"Just as everyone of us has a genetic code, so each of us has a genius code which holds our unique creativity….In our genius are the ideas, projects, and capacities needed to transform ourselves and our world." Barbara Marx Hubbard, 'Awakening to Our Genius, the Heroine's Journey'
The Fabric of the Future - M. J. Ryan, editor

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From: Rita K.
Date: Saturday, April 26, 2008, 9:06 PM
Subject: Love Radiance Intention Experience VI
Reply to: 263177
ID: 260613

Dear Kenneth and Constance
Thank you for sharing your message on the forum and it had a great impact on me. I was touched by 
your honesty and truthfulness. I truly believe that this is what LRIG is all about where we express 
ourselves from a place within where our soul speaks and has a true yearning to truly develop and know 
our intrinsic nature.
I have always expressed that this forum is my internet family where we are sharing our wisdom with 
each other.
"God is the giver, I am the Enjoyer" is something I am experiencing more and more which is supported 
by my personal story that transformed my physical being from "Pain to Pleasure". By acknowledging the 
ever-presence of the Reality of God and by singing the glories of God,  it confirms that every thing that 
is happening in my life has a greater purpose and there is no accidents in this divine orchestration. As I 
was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis in 1999 and wondered at the time why on earth I got this 
disease when I did every thing right in my life, practicing and sharing yoga, pranayaam, meditation for 
many years and looked after my health by eating the right foods and thinking right. Knowing very little 
at the time that this is the plan of the universe which is taking me towards a deeper understanding. My 
Rheumatologist put me on anti-inflammatory drugs and on the side I started to explore more about 
foods and herbs etc. For few years I managed alright. I was told by the Rheumatologist that the nature 
of this disease is such that it progresses with time and patients become immobile gradually. I started to 
see more intense symptoms coming with inflamed body with deep physical pains where the immune 
system attacks the body cells and it was a kind of feeling where body starts to shut down. The quality 
of life was going down each day. Anti-inflammatory medicines started to have a very little affect on my 
body. I decided to take the natural route and was under a care of nutritionist for a year who put me on 
Alkaline diet(with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables and whole foods), with lots of herbal medicines 
along with different methods of detoxifying the body. All these things were good for the body which I 
truly believed in doing it but my inflammation and physical pain didn't want to go down. I decided to try 
the Ayurvedic treatment and flew to India and went through a tough time with the treatment but the 
physical pain didn't want to go away. My deep conversation with God got intense in all these months 
while I was taking different treatments. I didn't leave any stone unturned but the physical suffering was 
not leaving its way. I could feel at the time I was going through intense physical pain that my inner 
Spirit was untouched and I kept on observing the pain in my body and got really good at this where I 
could detach the pain from my Self by feeling that I am not the pain, my body is in pain at the same 
time there was a deep yearning to bring the physical body to this level so I can have a better quality of 
life. All these years, I had a deep knowing which was always alive in me, telling me so clearly that there 
is a healer in me, the energy of God who will heal me for sure. So I refuse to accept the physical pain 
body. I deeply asked God, I have done everything to my knowledge to bring this body to a pain free 
body and it has to heal now. Please help.
In this process of transformation, I could spontaneously relate from my heart and soul to the centuries 
old reality revealed in Bhagavad Gita which truly works:
"Those who take refuge in the All-pervading sustaining Energy that underlies all beings and all things, 
gain release from the old age, disease and the fear of death. They also come to know Brahman 
(Universal Consciousness/Energy) as well as about the individual soul/Self. And all about action as 
well"............The way of Realization 7.29
Today I am pain free and my body has naturally healed without any drugs and I am able to do 
everything what I used to do. 
So glad to be part of this group, my internet family. Where instrinsic sharing of individual 
understandings/realizations; such as I have humbly submitted as above; do help in further 
transformations. Both individually and collectively. 
Love you all .

--- On Sat, Apr 26, 2008, in msg263177, 
Constance Hall-Orman wrote ---

Good Morning Kenneth;-)

Thank you so much for your openness to share the pain and struggle you are experiencing from your 
past.  I can say that I too, am experiencing 
such pain from my own past experience.  Perhaps, there are more than we know, who are collectively 
experiencing this process of transformation.  
Every fiber of my being wishes the process of pain and suffering wasn't necessary for this 
transformation, but it seems to be a way of life.  Some 
move forward and accept the process, others shy away, others ignore it all together...

I agree with you Kenneth, when we know we are not alone, the process goes supported and 
strengthened.  Here complete strangers, that have 
never formally met become a trusting collective family, extending across our little wonder of the world.  
Wisdom and love can be nurtured into all 
things and into all beings, and each of us is here to ensure this happens.  Together, as this collective 
consciousness gets stronger, reaches out 
further, builds the bridge between the inner and outer reality, within each of us is a Truth, it should not 
be questioned if it is willed-to good, 
willed-to right action, willed-to healing, willed-to education/wisdom, willed-to love...

I smile, we don't have to wait for anyone to do this for us.  We are the ones to get it done, manifest, 
create, be the wizard, walk with the christ 
consciousness, however you like to call it, be it now!

Support is here among us, trust that we encourage together the same dream...a better world for All!  
Our pure potential is unlimited, there are no 
boundaries, anything is possible, live what you know within...and your world will change.

This message can't getting any clearer, but it's the most difficult transformation to occur.  Think about 
this...the first time in history, a whole 
collective transforms into their soul being here on earth.  Wow!  Makes me take a deep breath...our 
potential for healing is great.

If this helps any us, as we process through this know that we are giving birth to soul, let us 
now be reminded...the earth is now the birthing 
room...the world is ready and mother earth supports this process too!

I'm not crazy;-)!

Thanks again Kenneth!

--- On Sat, Apr 26, 2008, in msg263176, 
Kenneth Ruby wrote ---

Hello Ram, Constance, LRIG:

I felt a deep response to your messages in this email string.

I am striving, with some success, to get in touch with my Unity Consciousness, through meditation. 
My "personality" runs thoughts through my head a mile-a-minute, but I manage to quiet them 
somewhat during my morning meditations.

Since I had a spontaneous "superconsciousness" experience in 1981, I at least have something to aim 

Memories of trauma and abuse and abandonment are coming to the surface in full force these days, and 
it is painful indeed. I believe that the "ice cubes" of traumatic memories can be melted in the "warm 
water" of Unity Consciousness, but it requires time and patience on my part.

One of the things that is so critically important to me at these times is having a community of healing 
people with whom I can interact. I grew up with a deficit of an experience of an empathic community 
around me, and it is this painful state of mind that is returning and playing havoc with my mood state. 
Regularly interacting with a real healing community is the best antidote.

Thank you all for being there. Anyone is welcome to respond.

- Kenneth

--- On Thu, Apr 3, 2008, in msg262910, 
Constance Hall-Orman wrote ---

Ever-Present Awareness Contemplative View



“When I am resting in simple, ever-present awareness, I am resting in the intrinsic spirit that I Am...It 
doesn't matter in the least what is seen in any moment.  Whether you see happiness or sadness or 
such pairs of the is not those states but the Seer of those states that is already Free...
matters the most in the living of our lives.}”  The Simple Feeling of Being, by Ken Wilber


“The indwelling spirit in this body is the ever-present witness/awareness, the director, the sustainer and 
enjoyer---the great Lord and the Supreme-self.” Bhagvad Gita 13.22


“As you cross this threshold, notice that your identity does not disappear.  Even with no image to look 
and no body, you remain what you really are---viewing awareness that stays the same even though the 
scenery of your life constantly changes.  This is your identity as awareness, a lively, wise alchemist who 
stands unattached, behind the constant show of transformation.”  The Way of the Wizard, by Deepak 

* * *

Love Radiance Intention Experience

April 18, 2008 to April 20, 2008


Dear Love-Radiance Intention Member,

Ram Varma presents our Group Intention Focus Theme:  

Ever-Present Awareness


Life is a joyful bundle of experiences if we firmly decide, with full awareness, for this bundle to emerge 
the connection with Inner Power of the Self.  Remembering, however, that the Enjoyer in us that 
us truly enjoy these experiences is different from the roles we perform.  It is also different from the 
we use to perform these roles.  Hence the key to enjoy our roles is to perform them from the inner 
connection as directed from the Self within.  Also remembering that the inner power of the Self is not 
different from the infinite sustaining power of the Source that orchestrates the dance of the whole 
universe.  As it exists everywhere like butter in the milk, and whose very nature is the true and pure 
experiencing of the present moment as Is (not as what it should be).

Ever-Present Awareness:

The first step is to understand the wholesomeness, the lower nature, the higher nature of the Self and 
connection to the Universal Self/Energy/God as the sustainer/source of the whole universe.  This 
in itself is self-empowering.  It is now a matter of establishing oneself in this mode, performing all one's 
activities from this connection, enjoying them and freeing oneself from attachments of various 
This is all possible, as shared in the earlier LRIG monthly themes.  However, it requires openness, non-
judgment, determination and self-effort to keep moving in this direction.  Once there is a deep yearning 
this fresh start in life, it is the beginning of a new life of truth/freedom, awareness and joyfulness (an 
experience of love, peace and bliss). All of us are entitled to this new beginning.

Without this working awareness, the worldly situations can drive us crazy. Being in touch with the 
Nature of the Self automatically makes us keen observers of every situation.  As soon as the inner 
observation is completed, the awareness clicks in.  Therefore, it is only a matter of motions that an 
person goes through outwardly in a fashion that people around can understand him/her.  With this 
one can look at the state of the world with amusement.

Practice Points:

There are three reflections as such:

- Manifesting/Co-creating the established goals/aspirations from the inner-connection through one's 
ways such as silent meditation, prayer and surrender, etc.  Getting the relevant directions from the 
Self (spirituality) and using the body-mind-intellect (rationality) as directed from within...unified approach 
spirituality and rationality.

- Letting go expectations of the results after doing the level best.  Thus offering the Self-inspired 
actions as 
one's contributions to the Universal Orchestration of the whole universe.  And living in this world 
the least trace of the ego-sense.

- Combining one's Present Moment Presence (PMP) with the Presence of the Divine Presence Energy 
underlies all beings and all things at all times (PDP). So that PMP and PDP becomes the infinite unified 
in our day-to-day living of our lives.

Checking the Level of Awareness:

One can check the level of awareness by asking oneself three questions:

1.  Are you aware that you have the Inner Power of the Self in you and this power; being a part and 
of the total creative process; is connected to the Supreme Universal Power that sustains the whole 

Just as, on a worldly scene, when an innocent child is connected with the mother, the enhanced co-
creative process spontaneously/effortlessly begins to flow with a much bigger energy to make it 
This connecting energy has so much of divine grace/assistance toward regeneration of the human 
that it is beyond one's intellectual imagination and its literary description as such.

2. Are you aware you are using this individual and universal power in whatever you are involved with?

3. Are you aware that; after doing your level best; you have freed yourself from an attachment to the 
outcomes you have performed to maintain your own freedom and inherent connection, as such?

Your answers to these questions will guide you toward the areas you need to concentrate for 
the awareness you need. You may like to find them out in your own silent introspection and share your 
experiences as such with the LRIG members for further authentic dialogues/strengthening, if you so 

With Love and Best Wishes...Ram

* * *

In Loving Gratitude and Constant Energy Flow, Be Well!

Of The Group, As The Group, As One



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