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"The Whole manifests simultaneously on all levels of manifestation. The Whole is also immanent in nature; that is, present in its Oneness and undivided in its Wholeness no matter in what form or in the number of its manifestations."
Soul Centered Astrology, A Key to Your Expanding Self - Alan Oken

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From: Jane A.
Date: Sunday, April 27, 2008, 8:47 AM
Subject: Dreamers Dream
Reply to: 263187
ID: 260616

Greetings and Namaste everyOne !!

Thank you each for sharing the Truth which truly can set us free. How powerful a [thing] it can be;)) To dream a better dream.

I would like to share this from Mr. Herbert Kaufman an interesting connection [in my perspective], for what we/can create in our lives/world/universe:

"They are the architects of greatness, their vision lies within their souls, they peer beyond the veils and mists of doubt and pierce the walls of unborn Time. The belted wheel, the trail of steel, the churning screw, are shuttles in the loom on which they weave their magic tapestries. Makers of Empire, they have fought for bigger things than crowns and higher seats than thrones. Your homes are set upon the land a dreamer found. The pictures on its walls are visions from a dreamer's soul. They are the chose few -- the blazers of the way. Walls crumble and Empires fall, the tidal wave sweeps from the sea and tears a fortress from its rocks. The rotting nations drop off from Time's bough, and only things the dreamer's make live on."

Peace, may we all walk the path to [it].

Love you all deeply and Namaste, Jane

--- On Sun, Apr 27, 2008, in msg263187, Constance Hall-Orman wrote ---


Thanks Ram and Rita ... and All!

Rita, first I'd like to say Thank you for sharing your experience, I'm so glad that you are not in pain, no longer suffering from the Rheumatoid Arthritis anymore;-)Painfree! And Ram, Thank you for being a consistent reminder of detaching from the Unreal ...

We are fortunate here at LRIG ... we are getting so much closer to our inner Truth ... excelerating in our transformation ... even if it includes ... processing through painful experiences. Here, we have learned to detach from the painful experience, or we can say release it, set it free and let it go ... We know this as a learned practice. Painfree, is not painfree, if it is not worked at ... We know individually that we do the work within, to 'see' the world that represents and supports us without ...

Ok ... the thing is, once I start doing the work within ... apply what is known ... I want to share it with the world.

Here is the great juncture in the road ... 6 million or more human beings on planet earth;-) ... where to begin?

The education to humanity is most needed ... and I'm not sure, do I detach myself from their need?

How does the force and the power of a few effect the many?

The many that have no idea of detaching from the unreality, detaching from the painful experiences they are experiencing?

Whose Illusion is this anyway?

Is it I, who still harbors pain, so therefore I see the pain in another's eyes? Is it they, who are experiencing pain, and can't let it go, and help another hold on to theirs?

How do we stop the cycle of pain and suffering, when a mother doesn't know how to release her pain as she raises a brood of children, or a father that is teaching his son to grow up and be a man ... ? And the children grow up living lives, of course with joy, but also with pain and suffering ... Our suffering, our collective suffering, our pain, our collective pain ... needs to be healed, for our collective global world to get better, to be healthy, to be balanced and whole. Yes, there is physical pain, but there is also mental pain and spiritual pain ... all must be transcended for us to evolve globally.

Children go to school all over the world to learn many things, many essential things that continue to serve illusion, and are never taught the most essential things to create a new world free of pain and suffering.

I'm 43 years old, just learning, practicing and working on releasing and detaching ... I'd like to help the 3 year old learn, practice and work this process too ... a whole new generation growing up whole, dispelling Illusion and living Real True lives here on earth ... Inner and Outer fulfillment in every way ... is what this earth and humanity is destined for.

If we can do anything ... we can help point the way.

If there is any contingency plan ... It is in You!

LOVE! Thanks EveryOne for all your Help!


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