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From: Jonathan S.
Date: Thursday, May 1, 2008, 9:56 AM
Subject: Global Love Day
ID: 260653

Greetings EveryONE,

I just received this information from and wanted to share it with all of you who are part of this ever expanding circle of people connected to this Love Radiance Intention Experience.

This is a day of love and rising to higher vibrations of being.

1. Global Love Day, May 1st, all day. Here's the shared intention:

An International Celebration Of Humanity

We are one humanity on this planet.

All life is interconnected and interdependent.

All share in the Universal bond of love.

Love begins with self acceptance and forgiveness.

With tolerance and compassion we embrace diversity.

Together we make a difference through love.

"Love Begins With Me"

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