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From: Ram V.
Date: Sunday, May 11, 2008, 5:20 PM
Subject: LRIG Experience VII--The Spiritual Strategist
Reply to: 263347
ID: 260892

Hi All,

The more I contemplate on the 7th theme of "The Spiritual Strategist", the more I am enthused to see the relevant wisdom shared by the seers of truth as follows:

1. A new look at old attitudes

“I can change. I can live out my imagination instead of my memory. I can tie myself to my limitless potential instead of my limiting past.” ....-- Stephen Covey

Is there something in your life you might be willing to give another try? In the process of my consistently looking into this "renewal" potential, I am finding that working in conjunction with the Infinite Energy that creates all, this is amazingly the most fulfilling and struggle-free experience. I am clearly seeing that this works in all the situations; much more so when my invitation to this Ever-Present Energy for the orchestration is from my heart and soul. I see this route as an authentic strategy for me and with many members of our live groups in Canada.

2. “Change. It has the power to uplift, to heal, to stimulate, surprise, open new doors, bring fresh experience and create excitement in life. Certainly it is worth the risk.” ...-- Leo Buscaglia

Also I am finding that Sen Barak Obama's message for change that we can bring about in all walks of life is full of genuine hope and real promise. All what is said above is being portrayed as a kind of role model in the midst of many challenges and trials that we all face in our lives. And no one is perfect in this world. This kind of change seems opening up many new doors of new opportunities...adding more and more small pieces towards such an ongoing betterment and unfoldment. Both individually and collectively.

What are your thoughts in this direction of change?

Love and Best Wishes...Ram

--- On Tue, May 6, 2008, in msg263347, Constance Hall-Orman wrote ---

The Spiritual Strategist



"It is not by meticulous care in avoiding all contaminations that we can keep our [spiritual body] clean and give it grace, but by urging it to give vigorous expression to its inner life in the very midst of all the dust and heat and hurts." -- Rabindranath Tagore


"There is no finality in the presentation of truth; it develops and grows to meet humanity's growing demand for light. Only that which you know for yourself and experience consciously within yourself is of importance and constitutes the truth for you. That which may be told to you by others, even by me, serves no vital purpose, except to enhance or corroborate an already known truth, or to create illusions or responsibility until it is either rejected or experienced by you in your own consciousness. Do you understand what I mean?" -- Alice A. Bailey


"Our problem {challenge} is to bridge the gap which exists between where you are now and the goal you intend to reach. And our attitude towards life determines life's attitude to us. A great attitude {reflected in external behavior} does much more than turn on the lights in our worlds; it seems to magically connect us to all sorts of serendipitous opportunities that were somehow absent before the change." -- Earl Nightingale


A Poem from Hafiz the Great Sufi Master, by Daniel Ladinsky:


Do not

Want to step so quickly

Over a beautiful line on God's palm

As I move through the earth's



I do not want to touch any object in this world

Without my eyes testifying to the truth

That everything is

My Beloved.

Something has happened

To my understanding of existence

That now makes my heart always full of wonder

And kindness.

I do not

Want to step so quickly

Over this sacred place on God's body

That is right beneath your

Own foot.

As I

Dance with

Precious life


* * *

Love Radiance Intention Experience

May 16, 2008 to May 18, 2008


Dear Love-Radiance Intention Member,

Ram Varma presents our Group Intention Focus Theme:

The Spiritual Strategist


In our ongoing self-growth journey, we intrinsically do aspire to live from the problem-free area (of the Self) into the world. However, observing the current worldly state of frustration, selfishness, insecurity and fearfulness, one may wonder if it is really possible to do so. At times it could be very frustrating, draining and fatiguing indeed. This gap between the Self-realization and living can then cause considerable problems with the people we interact with. Generally speaking in the important areas such as relationships, communications, common united goals...etc. That's where the cultivated attitude in our external behavior of "The Spiritual Strategist" comes quite handy. Hence, this month's focus is an effort towards the joint exploration of this theme.


Going beyond words -- allowing the Light of Consciousness to shine through our every-day actions and encounters. And there is no egoistic entity hiding behind the expression of our soul inspired actions. As the Source, we have a higher agenda for our form to express much more of the Divine (and not the hidden egoistic expression of the body-mind-intellect set).


This is a direction/road-map/plan how best we can live from our free area of the Self. As in every experience, or our response to an experience in life is an invitation to awaken our reality who we really are. Bearing in mind, that in addition to our unique disciplines leading to the realization of the Truth, our individual performance on the exterior individual behavior must be in sync to express (not distort) the realized-divine. And in the process, we do not remain naive to the infinite possibilities inherent in the divine orchestration of the universe. Including the fundamental support we receive from our earlier themes such as 'Detached Involvement' and 'Ever-Present Awareness'. The emphasis in this theme is on the external modus operandi expressed individually as well as collectively.

Spiritual Strategist Skills/Practice Points:

1. Friendly living/being with the moment as is. Understanding clearly that all these current moments are parts and parcels of the Infinite Nature/Consciousness. We do so by accepting, respecting and responding in paying full attention to the moment. Just BEING the moment.

2. As an exterior behavioral expression at the individual and collective level, acting out in a way/manner that it reaches out to all the interacting parties in meeting the divinely inspired goal. Thus needing to develop the authenticity, simplicity and courage in such soul-inspired communications and relationships skills in our daily actions and encounters.

3. Living in this world with one's heart calm and cool, behaving outwardly like everyone else. Established in happy medium between two extremes and opposite points of view. And rejecting every form of conditioning and limiting views; thus always contemplating the Infinite Sustaining Energy of which we are all parts and parcels. Being consistently aware that we are in unity (not in separation) with all the beings and all the things that make the universe.


In our own silence/peace we; as the valuable members of the universe; observe how we are doing about the development of these skills and there utilization in the day-to-day living of our lives. And if directed from within, having dialogues with co-members for further refinements and growths on an ongoing basis.

* * *

In Loving Gratitude and Constant Energy Flow!

Of The Group, As The Group, As One


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