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The Brotherhood of Angels & of Men - Geoffrey Hodson

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From: Rita K.
Date: Sunday, May 11, 2008, 7:55 PM
Subject: Feminine Energy Principle greets Mother's Day!
Reply to: 263457
ID: 260898

Hi Constance and All

Thanks Constance for this beautiful message on Mother's Day!


"In every moment, with Ever-Present Awareness, we are creating. When we realize that we are pure potential, unlimited beings of creation, we realize we are beings with the ability to bring inner truth to an outer reality. We become real. We do not need to define or quantify infinity, but to simply know we are infinite. We are also our own limitation if we set limits for ourselves."

What a beautiful way to put into words.



--- On Sun, May 11, 2008, in msg263457, Constance Hall-Orman wrote ---


This is a little message to the female energy within all of us (male energy with us too) as it is Mother's Day!

There is an energy principle emerging from the female essential for the process of becoming, aside from the ability to give birth to humanity on the planet, there is an ability to live through the process, continuing to raise the energy of humanity.

The qualities; of loving unconditionally in adversity, of nurturing in the face of devastation, of caring for more than just self, of enduring with strength against all odds, of a will to bring health and balance to family even if not viable anymore. The feminine principle endures in us all!

1:00 pm Mother's Day! 10 minutes of silence ... acknowledging this unitive principle ...

Creation ...

It's said that in the Aquarian age we will be consumed not so much with the creation of things, but with creation.

In every moment, with Ever-Present Awareness, we are creating. When we realize that we are pure potential, unlimited beings of creation, we realize we are beings with the ability to bring inner truth to an outer reality. We become real. We do not need to define or quantify infinity, but to simply know we are infinite. We are also our own limitation if we set limits for ourselves.

Each of us has a need; we want to heal, we want to see the world healed, we want to see a humanity healed, we want to see the earth healed ... to see all the beings and all the things living within a unitive principle.

The greatest gift you can give towards this healing, is allow the being inside you to heal ... If you can truly heal yourself, you will have the greater ability to heal the outer world ...

Allow the blending of the opposites to unify ... starting with female and male energy;-)of course!



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