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"The Vedanta philosophical tradition, based on the Upanishads, speaks of Brahman as 'sat-chit-ananda' – being, knowledge, bliss or joy, and this is primordial reality, the horizonless sea of which we are each a cresting wave…of the same stuff as the profoundest depths."
Finding Deep Joy - Robert Ellwood

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From: Starr* S.
Date: Tuesday, May 20, 2008, 5:36 AM
Subject: Ram's Suggestions and The Tahirih Path
ID: 261197

Dear Ram and Members

Below are the four suggestions from Ram and I would like to get them integrated into the Tahirih Path (the 20 advices are listed below). After the list is what are "possible" outcomes individually and collectively for each Path Advice.

I am asking Ram and the members to write out how they think the advices would/could form an enlightened society by writing outcomes (individually and collectively) while integrating Ram's suggestions.

I feel it is important to make the Path an interactive Path for the individual and the group. The more responses we put forward, the more of a 'living' Path it becomes. So thanks in advance to all those who make an attempt at considering how these points can make a difference in our lives and how we might lift them up to an illumined understanding. I will try and compile responses as further discussion.

*Also, if you feel there are important points which must be added to make the Path more complete please phrased it as an additional consideration. Thank you.

Living Love, Starr*

1. Beyond the intellect, individually one has to know and connect with the Self/Tahiri to realize one's full ppotential.

2. Inter-subjective dialogue with people from the Self......Sharing the Self/Tahiri with others in groups.

3. Putting the Purity of the essential human nature into day tro day life, each moment. Letting the light of Consciousness shine through all our actions and encounters. Feeling being a part of the Universal Orchestrating Power and this Power being a part of us in all we do.

4. Through Purity/Tahirih, giving our unique talents as a selfless service; similar to Mother Tressa. And in the process, seeing the same Self/Purity/Tahiri in all beings all the times.



The Tahirih Path Celebrates

1 The coming of the cycle of balance and harmony

2 Inner truth balanced with rational proofs

3 The god/ess within the individual

4 Continuous revelation through the individual

5 Empowerment of the individual

6 The uplifting of the female to be a balanced counterpart to the male

7 Wholeness of female and male principles within each individual

8. The upraising of feminine qualities in civilization

9 The end of force as an operating principle

10 Religion beyond religion and politics beyond politics

11 Being beyond prophet -worship and dogmas of any limiting advice

12 The power of and by the people in the establishment of peace through

magnetic attraction of love

13 Connecting with ones True Self through awareness

14 Knowing through personal gnosis and experience

15 Humanity’s advancement scientifically and spiritually

16 Recognizing the divine principles of life throughout the Universe

17 Intelligent reproduction for the betterment of planetary advancement

18 Limitless co-creation

19 Being connected to all that is

20 Being a living essence of source.

This path needs no formalization as it follows natural cosmic order.

1. The coming of the cycle of balance and harmony

Individual application: I have been born into a time of transformation where separation is fast losing being the paradigm for humanity. As I understand that separation is not the ultimate truth and that connection with all that is, is the reality, it becomes ever more necessary to come into balance physically, mentally, and spiritually for my own advancement so that I may more readily plug into the divine energy.

As an individual, when my male and female aspects are more balanced in my thoughts, the interplay between the two within myself allows me to reach a more peaceful frame of mind as I can understand the variety of characteristics in both, use the characteristics that best serve the situation, and no longer be in direct conflict with the duality and separation resulting from being out of balance. Thus my existence is more harmonious.

Bringing my thinking and thoughts into balance in turn bring my physical body into balance by producing the hormones that are necessary for healthful happy responses to life.

When my body and mind come into balance I can connect more easily with the Cosmic Spiritual Laws and then I personally become more attuned to those laws and realize my harmony and connection with the whole of creation.

Collective Outcomes: Collectively the world is entirely out of balance in that it has been predominately the male patriarchal effects that are now dominant and the feminine attributes and spirit long forgotten. Almost everything that is being developed is being done through force which causes a natural imbalance: thus creating the weak and the strong; the poor and the rich; the slave and the ruler; the uneducated and the educated; and so forth. When society is more balanced the extremes resulting from force will be lessened whereby people will be able to work more harmoniously on the city, state, nation, and world arenas. Without the feminine spirit operating equally in the world a continuous state of war and strife will prevail.

When society is in balance force will start to naturally change to operate through magnetic attraction which will create dramatic changes in the socio-political environment. Therefore, all creations will be the outcome of working on the ‘love’ vibration and in order to interact in the society the individual will have to be using this vibration to exist within it. This natural mandatory level of interaction almost entirely rules out crime and dysfunction.

2. Inner truth balanced with rational proofs

Individual Outcomes: This is probably the most important practice in the Tahirih Path because the individual is the heart of evolution for planet earth as the pivot of revelation. It is this inner truth which connects the individuals to their higher selves in order that they can bring these truths back to the earthly realm.

As the individual brings these promptings from the cosmos and outer limits into the physical world the individual can take the science and knowledge that exists in the world as confirmation of the truths one has communicated and use these rational proofs to explain the information to others.

This one teaching allows the individual to discard erroneous man made dogmas that begin in words and end in words so as not to spend years stuck in unproductive belief systems which restrict cosmic connections.

Collective Outcomes: Living in a society where all the individuals acknowledge their own inner truth and that truth is accepted by the society, then this practice lends towards harmony in that society itself. When these inner revelations come through the individual into the world rational ephemeral proofs make them more meaningful for the civilization itself. When the society honors the individual’s truth then there is a natural protection from organizations or leaders trying to control the individual powers. In turn when the individual is not controlled the powers available to the collective society via the individual are expanded and the civilization as a whole advances.

3. The God/ess within the individual

Individual Outcomes: When an individual understands that God/ess resides within their very being then the feelings of alienation abate and a connection to all that Is becomes more realized. With this knowledge of the God/ess within the individual becomes aware that s/he have powers and that s/he plays a part in creation. When a person realizes that God/ess is within then the fear of the punishing God/ess outside of the person loses its power over the person and frees that person to fulfill their potential. Being part of the Source of all that Is implies a personal responsibility as well as a responsibility towards all creation, which is the spiritual advancement of the whole.

Collective Outcomes: When we have a society composed of individuals who know they have the power of God/ess within then it becomes almost impossible for a ruler to arise with the intention of trying to control the people through fear of the unknown punishing God outside of themselves. Therefore, any leadership that exists in the society will be one that works co-operatively with the individuals that compose it. In turn, this mutual co-operation will foster the harmony of the individuals with the leadership. The God/ess within the individual will guide the individual to support advices and guidelines of the community which are in line with the highest good. As a consequence, of this co-operation and harmony, progress in the community will move forward unhindered by the opposition of personal power- hungry agendas.

4. Continuous revelation through the individual

Individual Outcomes: When a person realizes they can be the seat of revelations coming into the world they inhabit they then work to be in line with the laws that allow that process. This is a positive step for the individual in that the individual seeks to purify and align with cosmic law and therefore is on a path of spiritual growth. When knowledge or revelations from higher realms come to an individual those revelations enhance the life of the individual. In this way it can be seen that the process is self perpetuating towards wholeness and perfection.

Collective Outcomes: A community that is aware that revelations towards advancement come through the individual then works to make the individual an important and integral part of the community. In turn this arrangement fosters co-operative appreciation between the individual and the collective community. When a society works in an environment of appreciation the revelations or knowledge that comes to that society is received in that spirit of appreciation and takes on the clothing of ‘grace’. When knowledge is applied with grace it has the greatest benefit, whereas bereft of grace the knowledge becomes oppressive and non productive. Therefore, a civilization that honors the knowledge coming through the individual sets up a process where there is light upon light on the Path of an ascending civilization.

5. Empowerment of the individual

Individual Outcomes: Believing in the empowerment of the individual brings the one holding this thought into connection with his/her own true self and thus their cosmic powers increase relatively. Because we are all connected at Source then it is logical that the empowerment of each and every individual is empowerment of the whole to which one belongs. This fosters fuller awareness in the individual of love being the power and the bonding force. The more the individual learns to use this energy in harmony with the cosmic laws the more empowered the individual becomes, which brings greater levels of happiness, peace, and joy in relation to existence.

Collective Outcomes: It becomes ever so clear that when a civilization is comprised of empowered individuals that civilization will readily advance as it no longer has to put money and resources into rehabilitating those who have been cut off from their abilities. Empowered individuals are in a position to contribute to the whole in a way which benefits the whole, thus the civilization itself becomes an enlightened civilization. Empowerment of the individual can be related to the health and strength of a community in the same way that strong building blocks together make a strong supported stable building.

6. The uplifting of the female to be a balanced counterpart to the male

Individual Outcomes: When the female is given the space and opportunity to develop she demonstrates the most wonderful ability and becomes a vehicle of spirit in the world. Because man and woman alike are composed of the female aspects integrally it becomes a necessary benefit to ensure that the female aspect is respected equally so that each individual can honor that aspect of themselves. By uplifting the female, people in general will no longer be in separation or cut off from their own spirit.

Collective Outcomes: It stands to reason that if there is a weakness in the body that body is not in a position to advance as best it could as if the weakness did not exist. In like manner when the female is uplifted to her full empowerment the society will be in better alignment to achieve perfection. With the creative spirit of the female aspect developed and operating in the world a heaven on earth is a real possibility.

7. Wholeness of female and male principles within each individual

Individual Outcomes: This is a divine state of homeostasis whereby the individual in its natural androgynous state experiences and expresses in a balanced manner which reflects the natural order of being. The pressures of separation and dualistic paradigms no longer exercise influence on the individual and the individual can then contribute that misdirected energy to more productive activities of creation.

Collective Outcomes: With the individuals having understanding of what the male and female principles represent within themselves then they can bring that understanding to the collective which in turn will alleviate the battle between the sexes and the gross discrimination against women which has previously prevailed in a patriarchal minded society.

8. The upraising of feminine qualities in civilization

Individual Outcomes: An endless array of creating and being opens up to an individual living in a society that is composed of the feminine qualities as well as the masculine. Every person has a much greater potential to flourish in such a civilization.

Collective Outcomes: As a result the co-operation and harmony in the collective will give rise to advancement and balanced outcomes in society and all its endeavors including artistic and technological representations.

9. The end of force as an operating principle

Individual Outcomes: With force no longer being the operating principle the oppression of pressure will be removed as a burden from the backs of the members of society and they will be able to operate out of pure pleasure rather than exerted forced energy.

Collective Outcomes: When force no longer is the operating principle the fear factor in the home, the city, the state, the nation, and the world will be negligible and a new operating paradigm will be able to flourish with out robbing the earth and warring with one another.

10. Religion beyond religion and politics beyond politics

Individual Outcomes: First of all when we use the phrase ‘religion beyond religion’ we must ask, ‘just what does that mean?’. It means that the individual becomes free to connect to the natural laws of the Universe without being subject to the man-made laws and dogmas which do not lend towards individual progress in reconnecting to ones own divine higher Self. Likewise, when we are practicing divine politics, which is politics beyond politics, the intent become purified and brings integrity, honesty, and trust back into the dynamics of life, therefore, the individual experiences those virtues in themselves as well as others.

Collective Outcomes: A society which is composed of individuals who are free to practice true divine religion and true politics is a society which is advancing and ascending towards Wholeness.

11. Being beyond Prophet Worship and dogmas of any limiting advice

Individual Outcome: This is a key teaching for all people living ‘now’ in this transitory time, if people are ever going to grow up and start recognizing their own God within. As long as people worship Prophets they will be subject to obeying any man-made statement or any interpretation of the Prophets sayings. Therefore, they will be cutting off their own inner promptings of Spirit. They will come to believe power is external to their own selves and will loose the knowledge and use of their own divine essence.

Collective Outcomes: Obviously a society which is composed of individuals who are not controlled through Prophet-worship will be able to accomplish any imaginable progress. The test of man-made dogmas is to see if it limits the individual or society. If it does then it is a man-made advice seeking to control. Let us remember that the laws of magnetic attraction are at play here – so there is no need to try and limit the potential of creative living.

12. The power of the people by the people in the establishment of the peace through the magnetic attraction of love

Individual Outcome: This teaching is of prime importance for the individual because it empowers the person to bring his or her own piece of light and knowledge forward in a way which will affect the whole. In this way the person becomes part of the collective’s guidelines and therefore is supportive of those guidelines with the wish to make them work for the whole society. No longer will the individual be victim to ruthless dictatorships. The people will learn to be powerful through using loving magnetism and will discover force can not win. Therefore, the individual will be in harmony with the law of love and the law of the land.

Collective Outcomes: The society will flourish because the people have a say in the laws that govern them. The say that they have is based on the laws of truth which operate out of loving energy. This is divine law and it brings progress.

13. Connecting with one’s Higher Self through awareness

Individual Outcomes: Awareness lets us realize that we have a Higher Self, and that that Higher Self resides at the Source level where all that Is connects. Therefore, when the individual raises her or his awareness and has a supernatural experience s/he won’t deny that experience because s/he is aware of her or his own higher states of being. This knowledge allows the individual to reach beyond into various dimensions and bring advanced or new knowledge to her or his own present life.

Collective Outcomes: It is a win win situation when the society is composed of people who can contact their own higher states. This is especially true when the society uses this medium to incorporate the knowledge that comes through the society’s members rather than just dismiss it.


To connect with ones self is to feel whole and know that you alone are responsible for everything that happens in your life.

You feel at peace and also have learned to love yourself and can love every other soul unconditionally.

You have learnt forgiveness and dealt with the many lessons that have come your way which you know that you chose to do.

You will be able to deal with anything that life may put in your way as you can sit back and look in on a problem and deal with it knowing it is a learning curve for you.

14 Knowing through personal gnosis and experience

Individual Outcomes: If a person does not know something firsthand then s/he is simply repeating someone else’s ideas in blind faith. On the other hand when a person has a personal knowing and that knowing is backed up through experience, then that knowledge is a ‘reality’ for that person. Otherwise it is useless information to that individual because it something they have only acquired and has no personal meaning.

Collective Outcomes: A society that is composed of people who trust their own knowing makes it a society that can not be easily manipulated. Also it provides an opportunity for that society to reflect the diversity of all its members which in turn gives a much truer picture of the Whole than one that keeps its people focused on a limited amount of models in blind faith.

15 Humanity’s advancement scientifically and spiritually

Individual and Collective Outcomes: In reality science and spirituality are inextricably linked and in truth are one – where both serve the same goal of reaching Wholeness. When the individual is spiritually attuned then the science has the spiritual intent behind it, which can then only be a benefit to the people and the society.

16 Recognizing the divine principles of life throughout the Universe

Individual Outcomes: When a person becomes aware that the entire Universe is ordered and that it was created according to a divine plan then that individual is open to accepting limitless knowledge and being part of limitless creation based on divine principles.

Collective Outcomes: Obviously a civilization that is open to knowledge based on divine principles can progress; whereas a civilization that is blinded to virtue is in regression.

17 Intelligent reproduction for the betterment of planetary advancement

Individual Outcomes: First of all people become free from unjust burden when they are not expected to have children that they can not afford or bring up properly. Also, all people who incarnate are then wanted and cared for. Such security cuts out a great deal of personal suffering. It allows for everyone to feel like part of the society and know they are making a contribution by just being.

Collective Outcomes: When the society is not over burdened with unwanted and unloved people, disease and crime will be greatly reduced. Also by not over populating the Gaia there will be enough land to support those that are born which should reduce conflict, hunger, and war. The earth will no longer be over used and raped beyond what its capability and pollution will end.

18 Limitless co-creation

Individual Outcomes: Imagine a world where people are free to manifest and create anything their minds can think of – of course in order to do so one has to rely on the principles and laws of the universe which includes magnetic attraction. Denying the quality of life will be relegated to the past.

Collective Outcomes: Imagine a society which does not have to be concerned with manifesting and creating the needs of the members of that society because the members are capable of creating their own needs themselves.

19 Being connected to all that is

Individual Outcomes: When a person realizes the connection to all that Is an elevated appreciation for life develops in the person and a sacredness for all things.

Collective Outcomes: When the feelings and awareness is alive in the individual of being connected to all that Is then collectively the members have a respect for the environment and one another which leads to a harmonious existence.

Being connected to all that is, by Joy Gray

When we are connected to all that is, we know that there is much more out there that we ever dreamed possible and anything is possible. We know that everything we see, smell and touch are part of us and we are part of them, whether it is the plants, the oceans, the mountains or whatever. We are but a small speck in something that is so huge and we also know that we can create anything that we need as we are creators in our own right. We are very powerful beings. We are love.

20. Being living essence of Source

Individual Outcomes: Every breath of each individual becomes important when s/he lives with an awareness of his or her own God within.

Collective Outcomes: All life thrives in a Society that reflects God/ess.

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