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From: Starr* S.
Date: Monday, May 26, 2008, 12:21 PM
Subject: Ram's Suggestions and The Tahirih Path
Reply to: 263978
ID: 261408

Dear V*KA

Today I was talking about 'red' and Tahirih-Qurratu'l-Ayn's film (Tahirih Divine Voice) being released in 2008 (another Dispensation time). Then I found the following Writing from the Bab (1846) which mentions the fierce crimson (red) Light (see below) and then just as I write about the Crimson Effulgence to S*ace your incredible 'red dragon' appears - hearts in Oneness.

Selections from the Writings of the Báb, pp. 53-54:

O QURRATU'L-`AYN! Stretch not Thy hands wide open in the Cause, inasmuch as the people would find themselves in a state of stupor by reason of the Mystery, and I swear by the true, Almighty God that there is yet for Thee another turn after this Dispensation. And when the appointed hour hath struck, do Thou, by the leave of God, the All-Wise, reveal from the heights of the Most Lofty and Mystic Mount a faint, an infinitesimal glimmer of Thy impenetrable Mystery, that they who have recognized the radiance of the Sinaic Splendour may faint away and die as they catch a lightning glimpse of the fierce and crimson Light that envelops Thy Revelation. And God is, in very truth, Thine unfailing Protector.

Living Love, Star*R

--- On Mon, May 26, 2008, in msg263978, Verronika Walch wrote ---

it came in my email account at 20:08....

the message for this year?!?!?!!

thanks for all that....

love radiating around v*KA

the red dragon


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