Love Radiance Intention Go to your Light Center
"Looking at a circle is like looking into a mirror. We create and respond irresistibly to circles, cylinders, and spheres because we recognize ourselves in them. The message of the shape bypasses our conscious mental circuitry and speaks directly to the quiet intelligence of our deepest being. The circle is a reflection of the world's – and our own – deep perfection, unity, design excellence, wholenes, and divine nature."
A Beginner's Guide to Constructing the Universe: The Mathematical Archetypes of Nature, Art & Science - Michael S. Schneider

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From: Kenneth R.
Date: Saturday, June 28, 2008, 4:41 AM
Subject: Oneness...Solitude..Loneliness
Reply to: 264600
ID: 262098

Sunday, June 28, 2008

From: Kenneth

Hello Ram, Constance, Rita, and All,

Thank you all for your messages of love and hope.


I started meditation this past August. I do about 25 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the evening.


I've had a long (47-year) history of depression and anxiety, stemming from a childhood filled with emotional and physical abuse, narissistic exploitation, empathic failure, and abandonment.


I've been largely successful, over the years, at emptying the reservoir of distress that I've been carrying around, though I've been less successful at changing my personality (which characteristically is self-repressive and overly intellectualizing).


During my meditations, I must repeatedly bring my mind back to my breath in order to prevent it from wandering. Back in January 1982, I had a spontaneous experience with superconsciousness, lasting one week, non-stop; so I know that it is possible for me to achieve unity consciousness. I just don't seem to reach it now, during my meditations. I think that deep emotional injuries from my childhood are probably interfering.


I always look forward to LRIG messages, in hopes that I will one day be able to overcome my inner resistance and to re-access the Infinite Source.


--- On Sun, Jun 22, 2008, in msg264600, Ram Varma wrote --- Hi Rita, Constance, et all, Great Early Morning to all of you and to the rest of the universe! Thanks for sharinmg beautiful messages. I am joining you by adding to it the flavour of the subject matter as follows: Solitude helps in connecting with one-self and the rest of the universe including our knowing who we are; individually and collectively. Spiritual beings having human experiences in this world. This AWARENESS being the key-note. And unselfishness/selflessness, integrity.....independence/freedom and joy spontaneously radiate from the actions of such a person. All this happens in solitude/silence/peace that showers the intrinsic blessing of all of us being the Same/One in Spirit. Being calm and cool one does all the things in this world; always dwelling on the Infinity and rejecting all the limitations. Loneliness is not being alone. This is being lonely as a result of being unaware of who one is. Being selfish, disconnected, separate and dependant (on others), limited, complaining and sad. However, with genuine intention and authentic attention this state can be changed to the beautiful plentitude as described above in the first paragraph....the natural outcome of the solitude. Isn't it then important that we take a few minutes and silently see what we truly want and how to go about it. Lots of Love and Best Wishes.......Ram --- On Fri, Jun 20, 2008, in msg264591, Rita Khanna wrote --- Hello Every one My ongoing conscious awareness towards the state of just Being by going beyond the continuous stream of thinking to a place within calls stillness, my deeper essence where the gaps between the thoughts start to get bigger and the thought process comes to a rest at last and the presence of the Divine is felt. What a place to be!!!!! I encourage myself to stay in a state of non-judgement, non- resistance and non-attachment with my outer interactions and align myself with this weekend's LRIG theme Authentic Communications and Relationship Skills and to stay focus on Ram's five points: Acceptance, Openness, Positivism, PMP and Letting Go. With loving vibrations to you all for this weekend where we all stay in this energy. Rita ---







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