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"The way to become human is to learn to recognize the lineaments of God in all of the wonderful modulations of the face of man."
Hero With A Thousand Faces - Joseph Campbell

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From: Ram V.
Date: Sunday, June 29, 2008, 4:09 PM
Subject: Oneness...Solitude..Loneliness
Reply to: 264686
ID: 262115

Hi Kenneth, et all,

Thanks for sharing your family back ground. You have said:

>>>The state of plenitude is a natural state, and we would all feel it if not for so many material distractions and our investments in them.<<<


While I completely agree with you, Kenneth, that excessive indulgence in the material pursuits/pleasures affects adversely our natural plentitude of Truth/Freedom-Awareness-Joyfullness, I must also emphasize that this world is a great place for ongoing Self-development. This is a great school of learning and growing. In fact, all situations are presented to us for taking us towards that we are in our instrinsic nature. However for thgis to happen, we must NOT forget who we truly are while we are engaged in responding to all such situations. In this context, our LRIG theme #8 is absolutely relevant. As it emphasizes the importance of five "Authentic Communications and Relationship Skills" while living and enjoying this world. And these skills being:


1. Openness: Non-judgmental, Detached incolvement, rejecting limitations and dwelling Infinity.


2. Acceptance: This is an acknowledgement of the situations and the people they are. And awaringly deciding to respond. This is not a submission to them.


3. Positivism: Having a positive/optimistic attitude with a firm hope to turn the situation into a Self-growth opportunity.


4. Present Moment Presence (PMP): Being fully present in the moment with full attention. Being it and living it.


5. Letting Go: Having done our best in all the situations, let it go. As the Self-realized people have said,
"There is nothing wrong with the pleasures; it is the attachment to them that causes ongoing problems". That's where the void/solitude serve a great purpose towards remembering who we are: Spiritual beings having human experiences.


Rita has also beautifully pointed out some additional attitudinal qualities such as forgiveness, changing the direction of attention and  gratefulness..etc. that are so relevant in the whole scenario.


Let's always remember who we are and take on responsibility to make this world a joyful bundle of experiences of living our lives......Love...Ram 


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