Love Radiance Intention Go to your Light Center
"The energy by which the body is pervaded is the same as that which illuminates the world and maintains alive all beings."
The Inner Reaches of Outer Space, Metaphor as Myth and as Religion - Joseph Campbell

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From: Bonnie K.
Date: Sunday, July 6, 2008, 2:10 PM
Subject: Ho'oponopono and Healing
Reply to: 264892
ID: 262338

The simplicity of: I'm sorry, please forgive me, i love you and thank you travels everywhere.

I think if everyone agreed to think on those things... life would shift completely.

Let's start with us! Bonnie (in Santa Barbara)



--- On Sun, Jul 6, 2008, in msg264892, Jeanie DeRousseau wrote ---

Thanks, Starr*, for the receiving and the asking...

I am four days here now in Kailua near Enchanted Lakes on Oahu.  The rim of an ancient volcano is all around, rolling and abrupt hills, verdant and lush, the bay filling in the crater with a crescent of sand and beautiful waves of ocean.  There is no place on earth, I imagine, that is more embracing of the human being materiality, nor as demanding of the human being wholeness to be in alignment with the earth, than Hawaii.

Already in these four days, I have been met face to face with my exhaustion of "doing", a stomach flu that is bringing me deeper awareness of my relationship to my body's centers of Beingness, a breakdown in the way I'm holding the relationships in my family, and shifts in the kinds of "work" I am asking of myself. 

You can understand how I am most grateful for the simplicity of "I love you... I'm sorry... Please forgive me... Thank you..." and the "Love Radiance Intention". 

And the sense that LightPages is being infused and grown by the loving focus of this group, fast growing into its laser power of coherence.

Blessings on all the co-creators here... from the land of Ho'oponopono,






--- On Sat, Jul 5, 2008, in msg264881, Starr* Saffa wrote ---

Hi Jeanie - Isn't great, like you said, that you can make a big move to a place like Hawaii, and still be connected to the LightPages processes. I certainly appreciate your feedback.

Jeanie: you are all angels aligning the "love radiance intention" online into a mighty force for change, flavoring all of the LightPages space with this energy, opening possibilities for every other group that uses LightPages.  This I know...

Starr*: Let us keep the fire of Love Radiance burning throughout ----- thank you Jeanie.

PS - Where are you living in Hawaii - so I can get a visual on it?

Living Love, Starr*


--- On Sat, Jul 5, 2008, in msg264879, Jeanie DeRousseau wrote ---

Dear Starr, Constance, Ram, Rita, and all hearts aligned here with the purest of intentions,

I want to convey my gratitude again for your beautiful messages that fill me with hope...

As many of you know, I've been working with Bruce for some time now designing the LightPages space, in order "to create coherent relational forces for social change on the Internet...within a shared resonant online environment".  When I read what is posted here, I recognize the cocreation of that happening here ... coherence, right relationship, shared resonance online.  Since LightPages is my "assignment", I am filled with the deepest gratitude ... you are all angels aligning the "love radiance intention" online into a mighty force for change, flavoring all of the LightPages space with this energy, opening possibilities for every other group that uses LightPages.  This I know...

And to top it off, I have recently moved to Hawaii with my family for a 6 month opening to possibility.  This entire conversation about Ho'oponopono has been beyond meaningful to me.

Inviting you to experience the fullness and gratitude in which I am writing this email,

With much love and aloha, Jeanie


--- On Sat, Jul 5, 2008, in msg264873, Starr* Saffa wrote ---

Thank you dear Constance for this lovely explanation of what we have been talking about regarding the application of Ho'oponopono and the authentic purification. I will send it to the Tahirih Group which is also applying the practice of "I love you, I'm sorry, Please forgive me, and thank you." It seems to be an *aware* and *chosen* hypnotic state that is in constant operation - continually clearing and in joyous alignment with Divine Intelligence and flowing Spirit.

As we use this practice let's share the things we see transform and transmute around us and in our personal lives from time to time.

Living Laughing Light Love --- Starr*

*Many thanx to Bruce for getting the site back in operation and for its creation ----




On Sat, Jul 5, 2008, in msg264872, Constance Hall-Orman wrote ---

Greetings to Everyone!

Thank you Starr* and Rita for sharing what is so essential and necessary for healing humanity. This is a great gift to impart to us here at LRIG. The simplicity of the Ho'oponopono is beautiful, a few simple words: I Love You, Please Forgive Me, I'm Sorry, Thank You, commanding the greatest amount of power when spoken with full intention, purity and truth.

The greatest gift we can give to another, as each other, is healing. This is something we can do selflessly. When we do this, we promote healing within and without, as Starr* has said, the healing is expanding well beyond our immediate periphery.

One individual, who carries the power of healing within them selflessly doing their work, is powerful, effecting as much that is possible. When another is added to this power of healing, knowingly or unknowingly, their power increases, effecting more than what was possible. When a group, or groups, become channels for selfless service in healing, the world is awaken to Spirit.

Here, as in where we are now ... in our hearts, there is a vast deep channel for love. This love is ever growing deeper and planting itself roots to the center of this earth, each one of us, a root. This is something so deep, the earth will never be the same, for what we are planting is new, never until now, is this occurring on this planet. Once the roots are indeed planted, and a solid connection is forever made ... life will never be the same.

It will be the Real Life of the Living Spirit on Earth.
















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