Love Radiance Intention Go to your Light Center
"I look for the Good that is present. I expect to see it and then I see it! If this is too simple, I'm sorry; it is just that easy."
The Child Within Us Lives!, A Synthesis of Science, Religion and Metaphysics - William Samuel

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From: Starr* S.
Date: Monday, July 7, 2008, 6:08 PM
Subject: Ho'oponopono
Reply to: 264949
ID: 262384

Greetings Kenneth

Your experiential post has a wealth of first hand important information for all of us to grasp.


Kenneth: For those patients that were pushing my buttons, I decided to try NOT responding to them (actually to my inner sense of being provoked); in the past I would argue or defend myself, but this time I just decided to listen and to see what happened to me internally. I found that their communications began shedding light on the spots inside me that needed healing, and, as I listened to them, I was simultaneously listening to myself. So I was, in effect, being a parent to both them and to my inner (wounded) child.



Starr*: That was really clever, deciding to be silent instead of reacting so you could listen to what needed healing in the patient and yourself. When you figured out what needed healing in yourself - how did you go about it? I imagine this is where the Ho'oponopono could help do the job.


Kenneth: After awhile, after healing/discharging some of my own negativity, I found that their communications no longer triggered states of anguish/frustration on my part; my perception changed. They were now expressing "something", but it no longer appeared negative; it just appeared to be energy that they were releasing. Since my buttons no longer existed, their negativity could not be transferred to me, so it was released, with the two of us observing the release.

Starr*: This is part of the science of loving energy that I go on about. The physcial charged particles that make up the string between two people no longer went out from you when you weren't reacting (so as you say there was no string to transfer negativity). *We can always charge particles with loving energy, however.



Kenneth: But my looking within is not self-blame; it is an attempt to remove from my subconscious any receptor for the aggression or negativity of others. I know that it is difficult, but it is possible.


Starr*: We never know when those receptors will react and need some neutralizing - ho'oponopono application type of thing. This is the step I put in before Ram's great outline for application - pulling back from the reaction.

Kenneth: There is a woman at work who is constantly infuriated with me, and she speaks harshly and hatefully to me, with her voice loaded with blame and criticism. While it is currently difficult for me to speak with her, I am truly looking forward to the day when, suddenly, I will perceive her as energetically releasing trapped negativity, as the two of us observe without feeling the anguish any longer. I will keep working on my own trapped negativity that she is shedding light on. I will try "I'm sorry, thank you, forgive me, I love you".

 I guess, you have to put up protection around yourself too --- while she is hurling her negativity. But like you say when there is no reaction her negativity might soon dissipate. Please keep us updated as to how this situation processes and works out --- what an interesting study we are taking part in with you.


Living Love, Starr*

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