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"The Savior replied, 'Every nature, every modeled form, every creature, exists in and with each other….Anyone with two ears able to hear should listen!" The Gospel of Mary, 2:2-5
The Gospel of Mary of Magdala: Jesus and the First Woman Apostle - Karen L. King

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From: Jeanie D.
Date: Friday, July 11, 2008, 3:09 AM
Subject: WE @ HUB ... a few guidelines
ID: 262477

Hi Everyone,

Connie asked me to send out some basic guidelines to begin your conversation in WE@HUB's LightPages.

  • First, remember to smile!

  • Second, below you will find the link and password you need to access this space. If you click the "remember me" box, you will only need to login once, and thereafter you can simply type in to enter WE@HUB's conversation. [If you belong to other LightPages networks, you can switch between your networks by choosing the network you want in the box at the bottom of the page.]

  • Third, you may wish to change your password to one you will remember, just in case your automatic login fails. If you mouse-over MY LIGHT CENTER and click "Edit my preferences", you will find an array of different options for setting up your space, including your password. Don't forget to submit any changes by clicking "Edit my LightPage" at the bottom of the page.

  • Fourth, you can post messages to the group Bulletin Board by clicking the "Bulletin Board" link in the menu bar directly under the WE@HUB banner. These will be sent as emails to all of us, except for those who choose to unsubscribe at "Edit my preferences". As you work, don't forget to change the setting from "preview" to "send" when you are finally ready to post your message.

  • Fifth, this is an opportunity to introduce ourselves and our passions by clicking "Edit my LightPage" at MY LIGHT CENTER. Here we can write about our passions, interests, and dreams for each other to find (by clicking "Members" and then SEARCH).

To prime the pump, Connie already posted some documents about her passion Girls Count at the "Documents" link, as well as a vision for Women's Empowerment @ HUB by Patricia Ellsberg.

Explore and enjoy and empower! May the technology of the Internet be forever powered by the love in your hearts!
Blessings all, Jeanie

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