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From: Constance H.
Date: Friday, July 11, 2008, 11:17 AM
Subject: Body changes
ID: 262486

Hi Starr* and Everyone!

(Starr* I hope this is ok ... it was the best I could do, the Circle of Life graphic I couldn't load)

Circle of Life's July Newsletter

These times are very challenging for us all and we hope via these messages we post each month in our newsletters that we can be of real service to you all. In this issue we talk of body changes ... a quote from Jeshua firstly:

"You seek to know love by your own efforts and the efforts of others in turn, so you have learned to think of love as a commodity. You have learned to think of love as an action or an external thing. Such ideas of viewing love externally have led you to judgment and separation. Most significantly, it has led to separation from yourself."

"The truest way to know your love is not by reflectance but by the joy you feel in its presence. That joy is the soul's pleasure in the presence of love. Whatever you experience as joy is the cup of your love overflowing. By your joy you shall know your love, and the nature of your soul, as it casts your love upon the waters of life. "The Beloved…Love Without End…Jesus Speak."

So many are telling us how their 'health' is being affected of late and that includes the children and the grandchildren…of how exhausted they are, how they are not sleeping and much much more, that we thought we would dedicate this newsletter mainly to answering some of your questions and it seems the older you are, the more you will be feeling these changes.

There has been a lot written about the Photon belt and the Divine Feminine energies coming in that we thought it time to give you our explanation of what is happening inside and outside the human body.

The Photon energy is the 'Light before the Light' It is the 'Adamantine Particles' of God, the Body of God now transforming our planet, our solar system and galaxy…Its nature is crystalline and it is affecting all Life not just humanity, but our animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms as well as our Earth.

The Divine Feminine energy is being sent forth from God to help balance the overpowering, over indulged masculine Energy on this planet...These two energies are working in tandem as we in reality are now being drawn in by the Breath of God and going back HOME.

The Divine Feminine energy is Love manifest We would point out here that the Divine Feminine energy coming through has nothing to do with gender. It is an aspect of the SOUL quality...Many women in fact need to balance their masculine energy makeup as men need to balance their feminine energy within.

Now how is this all affecting us … Jeshua mentions in The Keys of Jeshua that 70% of what is written in the Bible about the Tribulation, the Apocalypse is what will occur within the body and He was alluding to these two factors.

The other 30% though is outplaying through Earth changes which will magnify until the new Aquarius age officially begins in 2012 but may take a couple of hundred years to complete as the Piscean age did.

We are reversing what happened to us in Leumeria where our Etheric body over Eons of time became the dense physical body that we know today. We will become 'Lighter' both figuratively and literally and one day in the not to distant future man will actually manifest more of an etheric than a physical body again.

Body changes …The Tribulation within All that adds up to enormous physical, mental, emotional and astral bodily changes. The mental, emotional and astral bodies changes we will leave till the next issue but we feel many of you would like to know more about what is happening physically at his time.

As the Photon energy comes in, our bodies are being IMPLODED with this energy and we will change from a carbon to a silicone or crystalline based body. Every charka, organ and even our molecular structure is therefore changing within us … Archangel Michael calls our flu symptoms 'Molecular flu.'

Now taking one group part of the body at a time that is being affected Head Many are complaining of sinus problems, lots of head colds, migraines they have never had before. Our Pituitary and Pineal glands are being opened up also causing dizziness, pressure at the back of the eyes and in the middle of the head.

These two glands when opened will give us more Clairvoyance, inner knowing, more insight, more Wisdom…but in the meantime to relieve the pain(s) a good head massage and meditation will help … take headache tablets if you must but only as a last resort.

Body clock-Sleep patterns are affected. Our time is being condensed ... at the moment we a squeezing in a 24 hour day into about a 14 hour as our planet gets drawn back to 'God Time' ...This is causing undue stress particularly with sleep patterns.

Many are waking up for hours during the night as a result, have hot flushes (nothing to do with menopause). We feel as though we should up and at work. Suggest meditate during the night. Ask for guidance ... The beta waves of the brain are still quiet enough to be receptive to Spirit.

Conversely in the middle of the day we would love to have a sleep. Do what the Highway road signs say and take a 15 minute 'Power nap.' It may just save a Life by not even driving then.

Breathing ... Chest and Lung issues This is where all those doing special breathing, meditation and yoga etc have an advantage … we all have to learn how to breathe properly again ... 80% of our population do not breathe correctly. We must take in the prana, chi, life force energy to help balance our new founding crystalline body structure.

Organs ... Heart, Sacred Heart. Some have told us they are experiencing a lot of chest pains, by all means see your doctor if you will but in many cases it is simply "Your Heart is being adjusted" as I was being told one night in meditation.

A friend, a very fit 40 year old who still plays A grade tennis said he went and had heart tests done after a lot of chest pain but doctors found nothing wrong ... For the heart proper good breathing habits will help.

But what is happening to most of us is our hearts have had an etheric web of Protection around them for eons of time as we were not able to live out or express our truths and just be "The Love that we are" This web is breaking down so we can Live from the Sacred Heart once again.

Ask Jesus for help here. He is the great Master of the Sacred Heart, the great Master of Love in God's universe.

Organs ... Liver, Spleen, Stomach generally Others tell us that they had liver and spleen tests done but again doctors found nothing…Good nutrition, eating sensibly, right foods, good water will become essential as our new bodies will simply not digest any longer a lot of the processed foods we used to eat...Miracle11 will help and some Light exercise.

Hips, joints, feet Many are experiencing pain in their hips and their feet .Give your self Reiki or whatever healing modality you do ... Apply the Neutralizer Gel, it is great for pain Soak in a Miracle11 bath for an all over detox and pain relief. Even a footbath removes toxins and pain generally plus it works like Reflexology on the feet.

Miracle11 products were designed with the times we are living to assist us clean out all the toxins in our body Drinking Neutralizer Liquid everyday helps do a 'de coke and valve grind' internally with its Violet Flame properties.

Sacred Oils and Miracle11 The Sacred Oils and Miracle11 make for a powerful combination in the bath or footbath…and the Sacred oils work also on the Psyche of the body as well. .but more next month on their effects on the emotional astral and mental bodies.

Field of Dreams ... Despite all the changes which we are going through they are for the Highest Good for ALL. Start to create your own "Field of Dreams in your Life. and people will come" That is if you live and work from the Sacred Heart not your head.

Put your hand on your Heart often throughout the day and remind yourself who is the real Boss in your Life...Ask for guidance, you will be given it...Now is your time to expand God's' world with your Gifts.

We wanted to again mention The Sanctus Germanus Prophecies vo1ume 1 (up to 2012) and volume 2 (2012 and beyond) and the events that are unfolding within us all and in our world.

Many of the things that Sanctus Germanus mentions in book 1- Prophecies (up to 2012) are starting to come true This first book was written three/four years ago and the second book just recently We encourage you to consider purchasing and reading as he shows to WAY forward in these new times.

Finally we would like to restate from our website pages our mission, our goals, our purpose is to be of Service and that is to help those drawn to our work to...

*Find true Peace in the Heart, that only comes from within 'not without.'

*For all to awaken to the 'Spirit of God' within and know their name as LOVE. *To give Hope, Inspiration and Healing through our unique products and programs that will help Empower and Enrich our lives.

*To help all truly discover the Beauty and Wonder of all Life for In the Circle of Life we are all ONE"

We are here to serve and are running some amazing courses given us from Spirit to help in these times.

Call or email us or visit our website for more information. Thank you for your attention. Till next time...

"I am the lion who came as a lamb and the lamb who roared as a lion. I am the living paradox of love unleashed upon the earth ... A force to end its duality. And you are My Beloved."

The Beloved ... "Love Without End ... Jesus Speaks"

Please pass on as you see fit

Blessings from the Circle of Life P.O. Box 700 Engadine N.S.W.2233 02 9520 1873 or 041 72 14936

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