Love Radiance Intention Go to your Light Center
"In space it seemed so obvious that the processes of the universe are innately and harmoniously connected."
The Way of the Explorer, An Apollo Astronaut's Journey Through the Material and Mystical Worlds - Dr. Edgar Mitchell, with Dwight Williams

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From: Jane A.
Date: Friday, July 11, 2008, 2:25 PM
Subject: Ho'oponopono
Reply to: 264955
ID: 262494

Greetings and Namaste everyOne!

I wanted to share this from "" site that Cosntance sent: Thank You, I love you....

God’s Gift of the Violet Flame

The Violet Flame is a Gift fro God to use in these incredible times. It is the essence of one of the "seven rays and it also an integral part of the Reiki energy " Just as a ray of sunlight passing through a prism is refracted into the seven colors of the rainbow, so spiritual light manifests as seven rays.Each ray has a specific color, frequency and quality of God's consciousness. The violet ray is known as the seventh ray.

When you invoke it in the name of God, it descends as a beam of spiritual energy and bursts into a spiritual flame in your heart as the qualities of mercy, forgiveness, justice, freedom and transmutation.

This flame can bring us many gifts of the Spirit-joy, diplomacy and creativity. It can inspire us with innovations in science, literature, religion, government, philosophy, education, healing, alchemy and other fields. This knowledge of the violet flame is now released for its use to the public during this crucial time. "The use of the violet consuming flame is more valuable to you and to all mankind than all the wealth, all the gold and all the jewels of this planet." (The Voice of the I AM )

The violet flame works a little like soap. Soap gets dirt out of your clothes by using the positive and negative charges of atoms. It works because each of its molecules has two sides-a side that is attracted to dirt and a side that is attracted to water. The dirt-loving side attracts the dirt, like a magnet attracts paper clips when it is dragged through a box of them. The water-loving side sticks to the water, carrying the dirt with it. When we invoke the violet flame, it sets up a polarity between the nucleus of the atom and the white-fire core of the flame. The nucleus, being matter, assumes the negative pole; the white-fire core of the violet flame, being Spirit, assumes the positive pole.

The interaction between the nucleus of the atom and the light in the violet flame establishes an oscillation. This oscillation dislodges the densities that are trapped between the electrons orbiting the nucleus. As this hardened substance that weighs down the atom is loosened, it is thrown into the violet flame and carried away.

But unlike soap, the violet flame does not simply surround and remove the debris; it transforms it into pure light-energy. Freed of this debris, the electrons begin to move more freely, thus raising our vibration and propelling us into a more spiritual state of being.

People do notice a spiritual and physical difference when they use the violet flame. But what actually happens when we repeat the words of a violet-flame decree?

I can give you two perspectives on this-the spiritual perspective as it has been revealed and a scientific perspective based on recent developments in physics and medicine. Both explanations involve the concept of vibration.

In physics, vibration is the speed at which something moves back and forth, or oscillates. At a spiritual level vibration is also the rate of spin of the electrons as they move around the nucleus of the atom. As we will see, these definitions may not be far apart.

We each have four bodies that are envelopes of our soul: (1) the physical body, which we can see and touch; (2) the desire, or astral, body, which contains our emotions; (3) the mental body, which is our conscious mind; and (4) the etheric, or memory, body, which contains the memories of all of our past lives…

The violet flame works on these four lower bodies by changing the rate of their vibration.

The violet-flame decree: "I AM a being of violet fire! I AM the purity God desires!"

When you recite this, the violet flame permeates every cell and atom of your body, into your mind, your emotions, your subconscious and your memory.. Do it as often as you need to in a day and do it at least 7 times each time you use it to amplify its Power What does the violet flame do when it permeates your atoms? .

We all know that atoms are mostly empty space. If an atom were the size of a basketball, its nucleus would still be too small for our eyes to see. Yet 99.9 percent of the mass of the atom is concentrated in the nucleus, leaving the rest of that basketball as empty space, inhabited solely by electrons, which weigh very little. All that empty space between the nucleus and the edge of the atom is where discord and negative energy can become stuck.

At the cellular and molecular level, this substance appears as dust, soot, tar or even cement…. For example if someone were to take a pail of molten tar and pouring it over a barrel full of marbles. The space between the marbles gets gummed up by the tar running down, and soon the whole mass would be welded together.

When our physical and spiritual bodies become clogged by negative energy and karma, it slows down the vibration of the electrons in our four lower bodies. We then begin to resonate more with negativity and less with the pure cosmic energy that comes from the Spirit of God within us, and eventually we can become ill. The more substance there is in our four lower bodies, the lower our rate of vibration and the more burdened we become. Spiritually, this is why people die.

If you have studied acupuncture and yoga, you know that optimum health comes when spiritual energy is flowing freely through our bodies. When karmic substance solidifies, it's like the hardening of the arteries of our spiritual bodies. When we resonate with this negativity, we will gradually become it unless we do something to turn ourselves around. The violet fire transmutes anything negative that is lodged anywhere in your spiritual or physical being. This includes everything from kernels of self-hatred to physical viruses. When the violet flame goes to work, it passes through the clogged spaces between the electrons and the nuclei. It ejects these particles of dense substance from your body and dissolves them. This process transmutes the negative energy into positive energy and restores it to its native purity.

Use it to help clear any and all the 'stuff' that surfaces in your life and the World -Send it to Africa, to the Middle East, to any war torn zone, to disaster areas ,anywhere where there are burning issues that need help..

Pass it on as you see fit. If you would .like to know more about this Gift and use of all the Violet Flame decrees you can use in your Life please contact Circle of Life . .

Note this is copyright © 1997 - Church Universal & Triumphant

Peace, Love, Joy! Thank you.. I love you!!

--- On Mon, Jul 7, 2008, in msg264955, Starr* Saffa wrote ---

Hi Jonathan

Jonathan: just wanted to find out if the order of the statements really matters,

Starr*: Good question. No, the order doesn't matter, except that you listen to yourself in which order is appropriate at the time you are doing it. In fact you might 'feel' like saying one or more of the phrases several time and in different places.

I particularly like the idea that you brought forward about this being the Love-Radiance-Intention home - which makes me want to start each phrase with "I Love You"...I know I like to start and end with it in any case. Sometimes I sing the Ho'oponopono, sometimes I dance to it, and even cry with it (while remaining detached from any actual situation as much as possible). I noticed in the literature they suggested tapping with it to a rhythm so that the eraser becomes imbued with the intention. It is even suggested to use it like EFL (tapping into merridians and acupunture points.

The intention and our individual needs determine how it is used - if you come up with any interesting applications please let us know. I sure like the idea of infusing love into each phrase along with their original intention.

Loving greetings - Starr*

--- On Mon, Jul 7, 2008, in msg264953, Jonathan Stemer wrote ---

Greetings Kenneth and everyONE,

Thanks for all of the posts related to Ho'oponopono...just wanted to find out if the order of the statements really matters, because it seems like it has been written in different ways...and if the intention behind the words is more important than the order in which they are stated after all this is the Love-Radiance INTENTION Experience...



--- On Mon, Jul 7, 2008, in msg264949, Kenneth Ruby wrote ---

Hello Starr*, Constance, Ram, and All,

I can relate to the Ho'oponopono message because I made the following observation when I was working as a psychiatrist:

For those patients that were pushing my buttons, I decided to try NOT responding to them (actually to my inner sense of being provoked); in the past I would argue or defend myself, but this time I just decided to listen and to see what happened to me internally. I found that their communications began shedding light on the spots inside me that needed healing, and, as I listened to them, I was simultaneously listening to myself. So I was, in effect, being a parent to both them and to my inner (wounded) child.

After awhile, after healing/discharging some of my own negativity, I found that their communications no longer triggered states of anguish/frustration on my part; my perception changed. They were now expressing "something", but it no longer appeared negative; it just appeared to be energy that they were releasing. Since my buttons no longer existed, their negativity could not be transferred to me, so it was released, with the two of us observing the release.

This brought me to an important realization: It is not that I am accepting the "blame" for the originally negative interaction; it is that I am looking within to become aware of my negativity, to heal it and release it. As with the story of the man that healed a ward of criminally insane individuals by looking within as to how he had "created" or "perceived" their condition, many individuals have the misperception that the process of looking within is a process of blaming oneself for other people's aggression. But my looking within is not self-blame; it is an attempt to remove from my subconscious any receptor for the aggression or negativity of others. I know that it is difficult, but it is possible.

There is a woman at work who is constantly infuriated with me, and she speaks harshly and hatefully to me, with her voice loaded with blame and criticism. While it is currently difficult for me to speak with her, I am truly looking forward to the day when, suddenly, I will perceive her as energetically releasing trapped negativity, as the two of us observe without feeling the anguish any longer. I will keep working on my own trapped negativity that she is shedding light on. I will try "I'm sorry, thank you, forgive me, I love you".






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