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From: Starr* S.
Date: Sunday, July 13, 2008, 12:50 AM
Subject: Unfolding
Reply to: 265091
ID: 262531

Hello Co-Creators

Bruce: The essential point seems to be -- co-creativity. We want to be in co-creative relationship with you.

Starr*: It has been said that diversity unified can be the greates threat to Controlling Agendas. Here's to your site breaking the chains that have bound humanity for so long.

I wrote thanking everyone for their posts on ForumLightPages but when I hit *post for previewing the message* it disappeared - so I'm trying to cover some of that ground here today.

In that post I suggested that we take a look at the movie Zeitgeist and the David Icke movie that has been recently circulating in order to get an over-all view of the governance of our planet so that we could figure out if we are on track for claiming our own governance which is in harmony with Cosmic Source Laws.

When I went to bed last night I was wondering how the masses of people could stand up, as suggested in those two eye- opening movies, before it was too late without causing harm individually and collectively.

Then this morning Bruce’s great message came into my box. In his message he is talking about being able to CONNECT the “THINKING MASSES TOGETHER in *RESONANCE* with Source so as to render the Intelligent Minority (ruling elite [the powers that be]) ineffective in their power hungry global agendas. I actually believe his InterSpirit enhancements could be just the tool we need, especially since we are doing this to a small degree already.

Then this message from Global Awkening came into my box – which is talking about some of my own considerations. I am not necessarily endorsing it, as I have not fully studied it….yet I do agree that it is very difficult to distinguish between what is true and what is not. I will never forget how the hippie movement was subterfuged by TPTB interjecting hard drugs into it – as an example.

I left all the links in – but it is this news message I am referring to in relation to being informed and creating the dream of Bruce.

I will underline in the article what I think is really relevant in black line form and maybe bold a few words. Of course you’ll have your own lens operational too.

*(definition of bifurcation in case any of us were wondering) A Period halving bifurcation in a dynamical system is a bifurcation in which the system switches to a new behavior with half the period of the original system. A series of period- halving bifurcations leads the system from chaos to order.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2008 "Spring Edition" - February to July * PART THREE* July 12, 2008 Bifurcations and the Future of Humanity "Truth or Consequences" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At long last we present you with "Part Three" of the expanded Spring edition of GA News, perhaps the last issue of such detail. All issues of GA News are available in PDF for on screen viewing or downloading from bul1.html. Link to Part Three: Link to Part One of GA News:

These are also posted to New Earth Summit forums "Articles Worth Considering" section:

PART ONE "State of the Vision 2008 Future-views to 2010 and onwards" This section is where we summarize the present situation and outlook as well as touch upon key themes contained within the issue. PART TWO - "Transformation and Ascension, As Above - As Below" PART THREE - "Truth or Consequences, Bifurcation and the Future of Humanity" PART FOUR - Available in approximately one week "Meme Control and Millennia of Interference with Humanity" PART FIVE - Available immediately following this Sunday July 13) "The Big Picture, A Special Commentary" It provides a unique overview of the nature of the nature and origins of the "dark force" in a way that can be traced to the events surrounding Earth and humanity to present day. PART SIX Additional material, including Tom Kenyon's thoughts on the changes to the magnetic field and its implications to humans. Note: The material present here is a bridge between the preceding material on the transformational process and background to a following article on the control over freewill and the engineering of false memes among humanity. For those expecting to be involved in the emergence of an awakened humanity and the building of a new earth, the concepts presented here are tantamount to a basic and advanced field manual to navigate the waters of the initial transition period.>/ "True Oneness with Original Creation is a high level resonance and attractor through which genuine healing and spiritual evolution can take place." This is a 10-page article and therefore only the PREFACE is included here - see link for full article. Preface This article is concerned with the enormous choices humanity are being presented with. These choices are stimulated by a combination of the breakdown of the world of the matrix controllers (the-powers-that-be - TPTB) -- and the restoration of connection to higher self and reconnection to Original Source/Creation. One development in this process is multiple bifurcations within humanity and a "vibrational differentiation" that is part of a larger transformational process. The material contained here is one contribution toward helping people move closer to restoring their true free-will in connection with higher self and Original Creation. This is challenging for people living in a world of distorted social memes, a human world built upon falsehoods. Regardless of what people are being told to believe, the "matrix world" that everyone is conditioned to identify with is falling apart. Thus for growing numbers of people, it will become easier to reject the old and work toward creating something new. These days it is easier to recognize the falsehoods of the social and political leaders who represent the dominant paradigm -- but that only touches the surface of a much deeper and grave situation. As we have said before, it is important to look both ways before crossing a busy street -- as well as up down and all around. As more people reject more and more facets of the old reality, including established government, religion, economy, social relations, etc., there will be a natural opening to alternatives. At that point, recognizing falsehood and distortions will not be so straightforward. In anticipation of the period we are now in, deliberate manipulations have been prepared and set in motion, especially in recent decades. Most people who, naively but with good intentions, identify with various social-spiritual- progressive alternatives are, at present and for the most part, unable to distinguish falsehood from what is truth. The core energies and core orientation of most of these groups and leaders have been developed and honed over a period of many decades while the "rank and file" constituencies have been conditioned to accept various falsehoods masquerading as truth. The major religions that humanity recognizes represent only one form of this control. A back-up plan by the dark controllers has been in preparation for the day when the hold of religious institutions weakens as does the social and economic order of the modern world ("old world order"). This back up plan includes today most of the "new age" or "integralist" tendencies that are based upon falsehoods and distortions. We are now in that period. A complex process of social conditioning has been underway a great long time, and intensely accelerated around the time of the development of the atomic bomb. This is a topic that is dealt with in more depth in the article on "meme control" which follows in this issue. While we can offer general guidance and criteria to those who prefer to exercise discernment, ultimately it is in your connection with your own higher self and true Source that a proper access to truth will be found. Once a conscious relationship with Source and higher self is established, then humanity will find it possible to create a new reality. This is not found in seminars and or from "gurus" -- and it is free to one and all. In this article we address some of the features of the bifurcations to help navigate the near future. We also continue with the theme of attachment to the old ways, especially for those who gravitate toward spirituality. How to be in the world yet not of it, is one starting point. The terms, "true Creator" and "original Source" are used interchangeably and signify distinction from the dark forces and false gods who otherwise would have humanity believe them to be the "true" creator gods. (As usual, material in this article should be taken in the larger context of the contents of this issue of Global Awakening News.) CONTINUED AT NES FORUMS Link:

Or you can download the full PDF at PFCN bulletins site link:

NOTE: Due to the length of this 11-page article, we will not be providing the full text in this email, only the preface a section- level table of contents. Section headings for Part Three of GA News on Bifurcations and the Future of Humanityt: Preface Introduction Truth or consequences Bifurcation Model: Physicality and Spirituality Attachments -- Social and Personal Message to the Near Future: Perseverance with Adversity Crossroads

Contact Information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Global Awakening Press and Positive Future Consulting: New Earth Summit Online Forum: E-mail: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

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Positive Future Consulting and Global Awakening Press | PO Box 969 | Stevensville | MT | 59870

--- On Sat, Jul 12, 2008, in msg265091, Bruce Schuman wrote ---

Good morning --

I think you put this very well, Constance. We do continue our unfolding path, as it emerges from our souls -- perhaps driven as the intersection or conjunction of everything we understand, arising out of our deepest center...

So, we let that energy release through us --

But it is so interesting -- that this energy -- does involve a connection to so many other people, and so many other paths of soul-unfolding...

We are one -- and we are different. We are both one and different -- one and many. Our unity builds power and deep connection -- and our differences make life interesting -- and make our connections fertile and creative.


And this business -- of putting any of this in words -- what does that gain us, what does that cost us...

The words -- are perhaps necessary -- as we still move through the world in this "lesser state" -- not having fully unfolded who we are, for who knows how many karmic and evolutionary reasons -- yet this deep common center through which are connected -- does seem to be knowable -- without words...

This whole question of "intention" emerges...

Are we "doing this on purpose" -- or in a kind of unconscious instinctive way that is somehow a basic function of evolution....

Or maybe both....

Maybe becoming conscious -- "Conscious Evolution" -- is itself a kind of unconscious effect of instinctive evolution. We are simply "getting there" at long last -- we are better educated, we know more, we are exposed to more, we are no longer trapped in our little insular local and tribal worlds -- we have been connected to souls from all over the world, and come to love them, and been transformed by them....

For me -- it's interesting that yesterday, I finally got this "501c3" application for tax exempt status submitted to the USA tax authorities -- which, if it is accepted, will open the way to the serious development of our "Interspirit" framework, and everything we need to do to build a kind of major international co-creative network...

Bonnie and I talked about this yesterday -- what it will take to bring this work into fully intentional focus. How do we describe what we are doing? Can it be put in a few bullet points? If there is a message that must be carried forth -- what is that message?

As we considered this -- the one theme kept coming up. It wasn't so much mystical, or metaphysical, or about "oneness" -- though all of those things are part of it.

The essential point seems to be -- co-creativity.

We want to be in co-creative relationship with you.

That is the message to the world.

So -- we have a few ideas on what that means -- and why we want to do it -- and what we can offer -- and where we think it's going -- and why it's important -- and we'll be glad to talk about all that...

But the core concept -- is relational.

We enter into a resonant relationship with you -- and because we do that -- in co-creative ways, that involve "sacred listening", and all that goes with it -- the creative forcefield becomes -- more potent, deeper, more inclusive, more vibrant, more powerful...

So, maybe that is the main thrust of this Interspirit project -- simply building this forcefield -- in a conscious, intentional, and informed way.

I can feel it coming. It's in the air....

And the form it takes, I think I am sensing -- is a kind of simple composite intersection -- of the greatest dreams and visions of philosophy and spirit, since the beginning of civilization....

We have been informed by all these great voices. Their message and vision has become part of us. Today, we are the active agents of those dreams, carrying forward that thrust into the world...

To some degree, I think -- because we carry these things, and have already assimilated them, and are them -- this energy can simply be "released" through us. We can just "let it happen".

And where we have to rise into work, and effort, and "make it happen" -- well, we can do that, too -- because we are carried by the inspiration, and it nurtures us, and sustains us, and opens the way before us -- as it is doing this exact same thing for millions of other souls everywhere who are feeling something similar -- and who are our natural co-creative partners, waiting to connect with us in increasingly conscious ways....

--- On Sat, Jul 12, 2008, in msg265087, Constance Hall-Orman wrote ---

Greetings to Everyone!

It is hard to put into words or there are no words, to express what you observe as an outpouring of wisdom, love and energy. Each of us direct contributors to the transformation occurring in humanity in this moment.

The Magnitude of the Light changing within us, charging up with more intensity is effecting all of us here at LRIG and Lightpages, as Jeanie has felt and expressed, and we are not the only human beings experiencing this transformation, of course;-) ...

The only thing that seems to be a barrier, a challenge set before us, a task yet to be taken ... is the recognition ... and the outward expression of this transformation at the human level as a whole global family and the outwardly livingness. It is known in our hearts, we imagine and vision it there in our minds ... but we (humanity as a whole) still struggles to materialize this into a living reality on earth throughout all living things.

Each of us, has a way and follows it and trusts it ... for we know this as IS or GOD ... words unable to adequately define, but we somehow know.

I sit here ... and stare at this little cursor flashing ... trying to find the words to express what I'm feeling is happening among us, the Body Changes.

Perhaps, it is best left unsaid and allow it ...

to unfold,




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