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"God is not a phenomenon that exists alongside other phenomena. He is the very source of 'selfness', more intimate and more inward than the most intimate and most inward that we know."
Covenant of the Heart, Meditations of a Christian Hermeticist on the Mysteries of Tradition - Valentin Tomberg

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From: Ram V.
Date: Monday, July 14, 2008, 6:32 AM
Subject: Love Radiance Intention Experience VIIII
Reply to: 265107
ID: 262571

Thanks S'ace for a very interesting anology of 7 states of consciousness/wisdom with the Experiencing of the 7 Leader Types matching 7 Process Types might exercise an outcome ...Patriarch, Leader/Guide, Judge, King , Prophet, Priest, Follower.

Thanks also dear Starr* for giving links leading us to:

1. >>>“True Oneness with Original Creation is a high level resonance and attractor through which genuine healing and spiritual evolution can take place.”<<<

2. >>>And this can be reached through asking within yourself each day, and with focused intent to be cleared of interferences, to connect with your higher self, and to connect to higher self and original Source. This will help start a new process for you. At times you may encounter issues with your personality mind or lower personality levels. Ask for help from your higher self to help reassure your 3-d self that there is no loss, only growth.<<<

When it all begins to happen, there is nothing but the Infinite Consciousness and being one with It being the primary goal of all the goals. Ongoing contemplation and envisioning of this great reality puts us in the Self-knowledge of us being; in essence; the spiritual beings having human experiences. This is real freedom. And the seven states of consciousness; shared earlier; are glimpses of the experiential awreness we see in spiritual evolution and genuine healing individually as well as collectively.

Lots of Love and Best Wishes.......Ram


1. Pure Wish or Intention. This refers to an authentic desire to know the reality as to who one is and how to live in this world free by being not caught in any delusion. This authentic desire centres around finding ways and means to realize Self-Knowledge and it further leads to Self-Enquiry.

Pure Wish or Intention matches the Creator or Patriarch Leader Type - Abraham

2. Self-Enquiry. One engages in the practice of enquiry (self-observation/direct experience). What is the reality and what is not? This enquiry is beyond the limited conventional beliefs. It further leads to the subtlety of mind.

Leader/Guide is enhgaged in various playgrounds giving the impuls to monade 2 tablets & 10 commandments - Moses

3. Subtlety of Mind. The mind begins to develop more perception, refinement and transparency. In this process, there arises a sense of non-attachment. This further leads to finding and being the truth as is (not as it should be).

Here the Judge is visited to decide a clue

4. Establishment in Truth. When the above-mentioned three aspects are practiced, there arises in the seeker a natural instinct of refraining from an over-indulgence in the temporary sense-pleasures and seeking the real source of permanent independent rejoicing and self-sufficiency. This is deeply connected with the natural dwelling in the truth/reality of life as is (i.e. the Self), and performing one's actions with love and awareness.

The King - David

5. Total Freedom. There is detached involvement in all the worldly tasks and the worldly pleasures. Realizing that pleasures are not bad; however, it is the attachment to them that causes many problems. At the same time, there is a conviction in the nature of truth (of the Self) that sets a person totally free. And connects one to the Universal Self that orchestrates the dance of the whole universe.

The Prophet - Jesajaz

6. Cessation of Objectivity/Perception of Diversity. Then one begins to rejoice in one's own Self, and the perception of duality and diversity within oneself and outside ceases. And the efforts that one made at the inspiration of all the means/sources available to him/her bear fruit in direct spiritual experience for ongoing infinite unfoldment and Self-development. And there being no destination to it.

The Priest

7. Beyond all the Above. After the above attributes become natural with a person there is no other support, no division, no diversity and the Self-Knowledge is spontaneous/effortless, natural and therefore unbroken. This state is therefore a transcendental plane in which a person becomes liberated while living here. And realizes, in direct experience, being a part and parcel of the beginningless and unending universal Reality as is.

The Follower (of the individual-ordered/collective-chaotic impulse)


as one might see - several types of decision makers are active in the process;

1 & 2 have a start in articulation

3 to 7 are matched by impulse - and might change during a polling-dialogue ...

have fun



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