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From: Starr* S.
Date: Tuesday, July 15, 2008, 3:29 AM
Subject: Loving Oneness
Reply to: 265148
ID: 262614

Hi Jane - I feel the love coming from your heart.

Jane: Jesus Christ taught: ..."for I was hungry and you gave Me food, I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in; I was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me. For whatever you do to the least of these, My Brethern, you do to Me."

Starr*: Ironically, Bob Hawk, a former Prime Minister of Australia, was on TV two nights ago and he said it was while he was at a meeting of his church in India [whichi had wire fences around it to keep the starving out] he realized religion is of no use if all those people were starving while he was with the church well fed. The world is out of balance and gone mad. All we can hope to do is keep our connection to Source vital and living to protect ourselves from the madness that has seized the minds.

"When one person heals, the rest of the world is deeply affected. We don't heal alone." ~Diane Cirincione, author

Starr*: Yes, let us rejoice whenever and wherever there is a healing. I just heard from a woman friend of mine. She was miserable - her family seemed to have abandoned her in her difficulties. I was called to go into her shop and explain how to use the Ho'oponopono with her prayers. Believe it or not, the next morning the family came to her aid and healing is taking place! I guess this kind of assistance is the real religion that makes a difference - I love you!

Jane: I LOVE You...

Thank You!, and I LOVE Y*ou too! Starr*

Loving Oneness...Living Harmony...Wishing you All heaven in your heart, starlight in you souls, and miracles in you lives!



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