Love Radiance Intention Go to your Light Center
"The most ultimate particles of reality that we can imagine are themselves intangible, unreal except as 'active events'. Things are not ultimately things; they are constellations of energies."
Creative Vision for Art and for Life - Richard Guggenheimer

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From: Constance H.
Date: Tuesday, July 15, 2008, 7:38 AM
Subject: Loving Openness
ID: 262617

When something impresses us from most high, we are like this picture shown here; pure inner channels of light receiving these impressions. Nothing new and not new information; for what is, is not new and has always been. What is changing is us (humanity) and our global transformation and our ability to tap and be impressed upon these higher states of consciousness or wisdom. In turn, to impress and transmit this out into our immediate surroundings, which in itself has a global effect and has the ability to change what is currently effecting the whole as imbalance. Our ability has a fourfold healing effect; within us as the individual, within us as a group, within us as a community ... within and without extending ... never ending.

Who can turn back now?

When you ... keep moving forward ... for LIVING the LIFE is HERE.


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