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"In each of us there is something of this Entity. Wherever you may be, you have only to open to this omnipresent Good the faculty in you which is capable of drawing from it: your share flows to you." Plotinus
Men Who Have Walked With God - Sheldon Cheney

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From: Joe M.
Date: Thursday, July 17, 2008, 12:11 PM
Subject: 'god' strikes again!
Reply to: 265249
ID: 262691


I just needed to put my two cents worth in here. You are doing a fabulous job here and considering the pay, I think the group is getting quite a deal. I have worked as an artist of one sort or another all my life and I found it’s impossible to make everybody happy. If you were able to accomplish that, I guess you would be a God/god. But since God/god or whatever deity you believe in, or not, has never been able to accomplish this task, I wouldn’t beat myself up if I were you. Keep up the good work.

Joe S’60

------ On 7/17/08, Bill Miller wrote ------

OK, so now it is my turn to apologize ...

First to you, Joan, for offending you, and to any others who may have been offended as well ... it was surely not my intent. I am only trying to keep this forum a friendly, safe place for sharing our memeories.

Regarding my religious beliefs ... they are personal, and I intend to keep them that way ... at least as far as this forum is concern.

Boy, this is a difficult job!

------ On 7/16/08, Joan Walton-Renken wrote ------

To Bill Miller: I have tried not to say anything, however your reference to being 'god" AGAIN is really upsetting to me, more so than David's joke. I realize that you do not believe in God or god, but for those of us that do, please stop this!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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