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"My soul is a Mosque for Muslims, a Temple for Hindus, an Altar for Zoroastrians, a Church for Christians, a Synagogue for Jews, and a Pasture for gazelles." Ibn Arabi
The Way Things Are - Huston Smith, edited by Phil Cousineau

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From: JoAnne R.
Date: Sunday, July 20, 2008, 9:02 AM
Subject: Memories
Reply to: 265359
ID: 262790

Jean & Gayle. I love my washer/dryer now too... no work, just push buttons. I remember the whistle of the Helms truck.. and remember the Jewel Tea truck and the dishes & gifts you could win, and the milk man bringing milk and of course the ice cream man that you could hear coming for blocks & we would run to get our money. And remember oleo, you had to break that red capsule inside and knead it to make the white lard look like yellow butter. Stuff to stick to your veins. And trading comic books, and playing with paper dolls. And climbing trees & playing mumbly peg & cowboys & indians with the boys. Dodge ball, kick ball & baseball in the yards with no fences. Teaching the cat to swim in the irrigation ditch. I'm sure he loved that. JoAnne Bruner

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